May 2020
2020 Dues are now due!
Take a look at your mailing label. If it shows "2019," we haven't yet received your dues.
Please note the new dues structure. This year the Driveline expenses are being removed from the club operating expenses. This means for those members wanting to receive the printed version of the Driveline newsletter will need to support the full costs of printing and mailing expense. These expenses are estimated to be $30 per year. Additionally, the club dues for all members will be reduced to $25 per year.
CMGC Members currently receiving only the electronic newsletter, will receive a separate mailing with the dues envelope and voting ballot inserted.
Yearly membership with an electronic version of the club newsletter eDriveline…. $25.
Yearly membership with a printed version of Driveline mailed to you………… …. $25 + $30 = $55.
Please note all CMGC members receive the electronic version eDriveline if we have your email address.
Fill in the requested information and send with your check payable to CMGC to:
Chicagoland MG Club PO Box 455, Addison, IL 60101
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