Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline May 2020

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hi my DEAR DEAR MG friends!!!

I really miss seeing everyone!!! This staying in and being at home is the PITS!!!! It was however WONDERFUL seeing some of you at Diana Gonzales’s Birthday Drive-by in April! Everyone who attended LOVED the drive and seeing one n’ other!! Thank you, Melissa, for organizing this very special day for your mom!!!!

Although most of our events will be canceled, we still may be able to do some of them later in the season. We will have to see how this whole quarantine plays out. The upside to this is, we can plan a zoom meeting to a least see one n’ other and if by chance the forest preserves re-open, maybe we can organize a caravan and drive our beautiful cars and honk at each other!!!! Let us see what happens in June and July!

On a very up lifting and positive note -- everyone in our club is healthy and staying safe! That’s all that really matters!!! Be sure to stay in touch via telephone or zoom, Facebook, or emails. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS….and when we do, it’s going to be a heck of a celebration!!!!!!!


May is the PERFECT month to start planting flowers and gardens!!! There is PLENTY of time to enjoy that!! It’s also a perfect month to get out for nice long walks, get on your bicycle or better yet…. just jump in your AMAZING MGs and go for a long drive and enjoy the nice days that are in store for us!!!!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day (keep social distances) and PLEASE BE SAFE AND HEALTHY!!!!!

Safe travels and “MGreetings”


~~Jamie Schafer  

Welcome New Members!

The officers and members of the Chicagoland MG Club extend a cordial “MG Welcome” to the new members who have joined our club in recent months. We wish you “Safety Fast” and hope you will avail yourself of as many club activities as you can.

Bill Ashman Huntley IL 1979 MGB

Note: To any member whose name does not appear above, your application may have missed our deadline.
If you don’t see your name next month, call our Membership Chair, Victor L’Heureux at (847) 533-3912 to verify


The autocross 2020 season is on hold. When I last talked with the Miata club folks they were taking things one day at a time. At this time ALL events thru the end of May have been canceled. While there are events “scheduled” in June, July, Aug and Sept a lot depends on if, when and how the stay at home order is lifted. I expect that once Boomers stadium is allowed to host events again, autocross will not be the priority. I wish I had better news. So, we take things one day at a time and pray for a vaccine soon.

~~Jim Compton    

Safety From Home

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