Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline May 2022

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello everyone!!

We are in the month of May!!! The flowers are peeking its buds out, the trees will begin to grow their leaves, and the grass is getting greener….. (Although we may get a bit nippy and some frost at night, for the most part – WARMER TEMPS are coming our way this month!! -

I want to thank all those who attended our Awards Banquet last month. We had a nice turnout of 60 members. Congratulations to all the winners and honorary members for the 2021 driving season.

Our 1st event on the calendar, the Spring Tune up hosted by Wilbur Mennell and Dave Bralich took place on Saturday, April 30th. I have a feeling the turnout was tremendous! It usually is. Most everyone has their car(s) out of storage and is rearing to get their MGs back on the road!!! I will have a recap on this next month.

Don’t forget to get a hold of Jim Vondran for the Car care Safety Clinic for Seniors taking place on Saturday, May 14th. Details in this month’s driveline.
The 1st Rally event of the year, The FAMOUS Chicken Run Rally, is taking place on Sunday, May 22nd. Please remember to RSVP to Ray and Sue Hansen. Details are in last month and this month’s issue.

June is a VERY BUSY MONTH where we will be in FULL GEAR with the following driving events and other sponsored Club events:

Doug Clark is once again organizing and hosting the LaGrange Pet Parade on Saturday June 4th. This is a WONDERFUL event where you can BE IN THE PARADE in your BEAUTIFUL MGs!!! Please contact Doug to let him know if you will be attending! I WILL BE THERE with my 2 (two) STUNNING DOGS (in their wagon) alongside of our MGB, which Tim will be driving!!!! Hope to see many different MG types, especially the VINTAGE MGs – those are truly a “SHOW STOPPER” for all the patrons to see!!! Details in this month’s driveline.

The NAMGAR GT-47 takes place in Colorado Springs, CO, Monday June 6th – Friday June 10th

Ray & Mardee Costa will once again host and organize the Lake County Fun Run Rally.
I really enjoyed this event last year! You will be pleasantly surprised with the beautiful driving route and entertained with the competition portion of this event! Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 12th. Information and details will be listed in this month’s driveline.

SO THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that the Highland Games are back on!!! We have not had this event on our calendar since 2019. James & Jane Brennan will be hosting the car show portion of this event. Come out and enjoy the day on Saturday, June 18th. Drive your MG car to the event! It is an


MG mini car show where your MG will be displayed and judged by patrons attending the games! There is also an area for “MEET THE DOGS OF SCOTTLAND” where you can always find me – DISPLAYING MY (2) two DANDIE DINMONT TERRIERS, Sydney & Dolly – a rare Scottish breed from the West highlands of Scotland. There are many other Scottish breeds for you to visit with as well! There are food vendors, Scotch tastings and of course all the Scottish games to watch and cheer on!! SO…GET ON your KILTS AND STRAPPING TARTANS, get in your MGs and enjoy a GREAT DAY Out!! Information and details will be listed in this month’s driveline.

The NAMGBR takes place in Lovely Peterborough, Ontario June 19th – 23rd. All information can be found online.

The last driving event of the month of June is hosted and organized by Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley. I do not have a lot of information on this event right now – It is called the Museum Driving event taking place on Saturday, June 25th. I am SURE Bill will be announcing more information and details in this month’s driveline and email blasts! Knowing the Kalafut’s, I’m CONFIDENT we will have a FAB time!!!!

July is looking VERY SPARCE YOU GUYS... so far we have one driving event (shameful!!!) and 1 National Event.
The GOF will be held in Lacrosse WI on July 11th – 15th information can be found online.
The one Driving event – Hosted and organized by Phil & Sandy Wydra is called The Hot Dog Poker Run held on Sunday July 24th. More details to come.

The REST of the month of July is WIDE OPEN…..Any takers out there????
Just email or call me if you want to plan an event or Rally!!! It’s GREAT FUN to be an organizer and VERY REWARDING to see all your fellow members and friends having a blast at your event!!!!!! (Oh ya….and HUGE BRAGGING RIGHTS and COMPLIMENTS after it’s done!!!)

Tim and I may plan an event sometime in July as well…..Have to work out the details before I announce anything. More info to come…..

That’s it for now…..THINK WARM, DRY SUNNY DAYS

Be Well & Safe!!

~~Jamie Schafer  

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