Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2020
17 Members in video meeting
CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Phil noted this is the first CMGC monthly meeting held via video conferencing and will try to note all who attend.
Meeting minutes - from last meeting held on February and noted in the March Driveline newsletter were approved.
Treasurer Report
Jim Compton reported $1,145 checking, $28,552 savings for a total of $29,697. The checking account fund was reduced & transferred to savings as a security measure during negotiating a wire transfer for the Project Car sale overseas.
Old Business – no old business presented.
Driving Events
With the lockdown of social events, there have been no official events noted. Jamie suggested maybe scheduling some smaller events that could be taken by small groups. She noted the Silver Springs State Park in Yorkville as a possible site to visit and meet for a casual picnic. Doug Clark mentioned small groups could assemble on June 21st for the Summer Solstice at a local popular ice cream shop. These would not be sanctioned club events but rather ad hoc adventures. Anything to get out and drive.
Dave Bralic noted the Father’s Day event at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in South Beloit is still on, although he did not know of what restrictions there would be on that event. (June 19-21, 2020)
Dave also noted the BFR Track days to be held July 15th? If you are interested to running your car on the track in a racing configuration, let him know before May 30th. There is a need for 30+ drivers to make the event. There is a fee required.
Car Projects:
Bill Kalafut is currently working on the recently purchased MG -YB. Wiring harness on order.
Dave Bralich replaced the kingpin assembly on his ‘daily driver’.
Kevin Carlson—replaced an incorrect gas cap gasket that was causing the gas tank to buckle from the suction. After replacing the gasket, he was able to pop out the tank with injected air.
Project Car
Dean Hickenlooper noted MGA project car was sold to a buyer in Brussels. The wire transfers went without a hitch and the buyer has received the car and spare parts in good order.
With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 7:38 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary