Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2021

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello, all my MG friends,

I am still BEAMING and feel like the “Normal” is back!!!!!!!! It was SO WONDERFUL to see everyone IN PERSON again!!! It felt like a RENUION party!!!!!

Tim and I along with 25+ other MG and non-MG cars attended the notorious Chicken Run Rally on Sunday, May 23rd! Sue & Ray Hansen really OUTDID themselves and started the driving season with a spectacular 1st Driving event!!!! The route, implemented by the historical “Tulip system” was so well done, easy to follow and took 26 cars on a STUNNING driving route! GREAT JOB Ray!!!!!! The weather was PERFECT!!! No rain, a bit overcast, but warm and dry! ALL TOPS WERE DOWN!!!

We drove past enormous homes all on acres of land and horse farms. There were winding roads through Barrington and Wauconda the ride was absolutely breathtaking!!! Sue Hansen, one of the sweetest, kindest, and fun-loving person I know welcomed everyone into her and Ray’s home providing lunch for all the members who participated in the Drive. She should win an award for being the hostess with the mostess!!!!! Not only did she cater in fried chicken, but she also made baked chicken, soups/chili, and a variety of side dishes - ALL DELICIOUS!!! Many MG members brought YUMMY desserts. The winners were announced for the Rally after lunch.

1st Place -Jim & Lois Evens,
2nd place-George & Janna Phariss
3rd Place – Diana Gonzales & Tom Hunkele!!
Thank you to BOTH Ray and Sue for an UNFORGETTABLE DAY and a way to KICK off the driving season!!!!! There will be a write up of details in this month’s issue.

Get ready for our 2nd Driving event…. The Lake County Fun Run on Sunday, June 6th hosted and organized by Ray Costa. All details have been posted in the driveline, Dave Novak’s Email Blast, and the website….SO NO EXCUSES…. Tim and I plan to go, I hope I see a big turnout like the Chicken Rally had!!!! I will recap on the event in next month’s issue.


A reminder - The MG International 2021 is scheduled for Monday, June 14th – Thursday June 17th in Atlantic City, NJ. I will recap on this as well next month.

I regret to inform you that we only have one (1) event planned right now in July. It is however going to be an AWESOME venue!!!!! The Blackhawk Farms Raceway event will take place on Monday, July 5th!! Jim Compton & Bob Dorley will be organizing a driving route to get to this exciting event!!! There are more details in this month’s driveline.

There is a TON of empty slots opened on our driving calendar for ANYONE to plan a driving event!! PLEASE reach out to me via email ( ) or give me a call at (312)927-3155 if you have ANY ideas to plan a fun day out with a GREAT GROUP OF MG MEMBERS!!!! Hopefully, my email and phone will blow up with new driving events to get on the calendar! THE SEASON IS SHORT, and the months fly by – so PLEASE step up and plan an event!!!!!!!


!!!!!! (I know I will with my “four” legged children!!)

Be well and stay safe!!!!

~~Jamie Schafer  

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