Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2021

29 Members in ZOOM video meeting

  CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:02 pm. There were no new members joining this evening. Phil introduced Secretary of NAMGBRLeeann Looft who gave an overview of the chapter operations. Leeann noted there are over 2,000 registered members and that a new membership directory will be coming out shortly and will be available to all current members.
Dave Pauly of Next Generation of NAMGBR presented next. The focus of this group is to increase exposure of the MG hobby to potential new members. The organization utilizes technical chat sessions for members. The Next Generation looks forward to spreading the love and interest of MGs with the younger generation and NAMGBR. More information on the Next Generation can be found at:

Car projects
None noted at this time.

Meeting Minutes - April meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report - Treasurer Jim Compton reported that the club now has $7,856 in checking, 22,557 in savings for a total of $30,413.
Librarian – Pau Pickley noted that the club has purchased a copy of the DVD – Ford vs Ferrari.
Membership – Vic L’Heureux noted that membership increased by 5 members. Currently processing membership renewals.


Driving Events
This year’s driving events are being scheduled in anticipation for a better year. The schedule so far has dates for Lake County Fun Run (June 6), NAMGBR 2021 Convention (June 14-17), Blackhawk Farms Raceway outing (July 5), Westmont Cruise Nite (mid-August), Lagrange Pet Parade (September 18) and Halloween Rally (mid-October). The Arlington Park outing is still tentatively planned for late July or early August.

Old Business.
CMGC Website – Progress has been made and a trial mockup is being generated and tested. Wild Apricot is the vendor selected for managing the website. The trial includes testing registration, upcoming events and creating links to the current technical website.

New Business
In-person Club Meetings - Discussion on reestablishing future club meetings in-person at a new venue. The past venue – Mack’s Golden Pheasant – does not appear to be reopening. A video vote was taken and was almost unanimous to utilize Perry’s Pizza Joynt for future meetings. Phil Wydra will contact the establishment to confirm.

Natter N Noggin’ – Participation has dwindled for the past year and a discussion regarding the need for two alternating sites. The suggestion of having one session on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Finn McCool's Irish Sports Pub Schaumburg. Dave Bralich volunteered to host the event.

Garage Tour – It was noted that one of the events that hasn’t been organized for several years was the Garage Tour. Walt Kreitling will investigate.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:39 pm.

  Respectfully submitted,

  Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary 

Autocross 2021

To all my fellow CMGC friends.

This year the Windy City Miata Club will be hosting their autocross. But I have gotten too busy to continue as the autocross coordinator for the CMGC. So I’m looking for someone to step up and take over the coordination of our club with the Miata Autocross and any other that you manage to find. I’ve enjoyed the racing and the friends I’ve made while autocrossing, But with primary babysitting duties I just can’t dedicate the time to autocross this year. I might still attend one or two but it will be on short notice (just before registration closes) basis.

So Please someone step up and lead the CMGC back into competitive driving.

~~ Jim Compton            

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