Monthly Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2020
26 Members in video meeting
CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:02 pm. Phil remarked that this is the second CMGC monthly meeting held via video conferencing and will try to note all who attend.
Meeting minutes - from last meeting held May 18th. One correction was noted – project car was sold to a person living in the Netherlands, not Brussels - and minutes were approved.
Car Projects:
Dave Bralich noticed a puddle of oil on the pavement after a brief stop at a store. Culprit was a leaking tappet cover plate. It appears that the cork gasket is for the front cover and the rubber gasket is the back cover. After placing in the correct order, all was well.
Paul Pickley is installing a new top. Since it appears to be a daunting task was looking for recommendations of folks used to perform this task. It was suggested Riggs Brothers Auto Tops in Villa Park are good, but pricey.
Doug Clark – remarked that he had the Garage Team assist in replacing a starter motor in his MGB.
Dave Tucker – mentioned that he is working on reviving his 1967 MGB after being dormant over a year.
Staff Reports
Treasurer - Jim Compton – No report.
Library – Bill Mennell introduced Paul Pickley who has received the library materials and hopes to continue in the success of Bill.
Membership – Victor L’Heureux noted we have received 10 new members this year to show a membership total of 197. We are still awaiting the membership renewal of 53 past members. It was noted that a few members have moved or died this past year.
Driving Events
With the lockdown of social events, there have been no official events noted. Again, Jamie suggested maybe scheduling some smaller events that could be taken by small groups
Dave Bralich noted the Father’s Day event at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in South Beloit is still on, although he did not know of what restrictions there would be on that event. (June 19-21, 2020)
Old Business
Project Car – the club experienced a profit of nearly $2,000 for the effort.
Website Update –Initial opening page has been addressed and discussions of what categories and content will be readily maintained. No additional progress made in updating the format/presentation of the club website. Additional members – Paul Pickley, Ross Harder – offered to assist in the project.
Holiday Party – No additional plans have been discussed. Anticipate setting a date for the event will occur at the August staff meeting. Most banquet sites are unsure of their operation status for December/January.
New Business
Commemorative Dash Plaques – It was suggested that since there has not been — and may not be — any driving events this Driving Season, that a special Dash Plaque be designed and purchased for the membership. The topic will be discussed further in future meetings.
Raceway Track driving - Dave Bralich noted the Blackhawk Farms Raceway - Track Days to be held July 15th. If you are interested to running your car on the track in a racing configuration, let him know ASAP. There is a need for 30+ drivers to make the event. There is a $300 fee required.
With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 7:37 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary