Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2021

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hi MG friends!!!

SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!! Bring on the heat….less the rain and humidity, and we have PERFECT driving weather for our SWEET MG’s to be on the road again!!!!

As the summer moves along, more and more places are open and our events are moving right along with LARGE turnouts!!! It’s just so AMAZING seeing everyone again!!!!!

Another fabulous, successful “NEW” driving event took place last month on June 6th. Thank you Ray & Mardee Costa for all your hard work in organizing and hosting the “First” Lake County Fun Run!!!!! 17 MG Members both from theChicagoland MG Club and the Vintage MG Car Club attended this beautiful drive through Northeast Lake County. There were quite a few questions on the drive to watch for throughout the route. Nostalgic trophies were awarded to the winners at the Adeline Geokaris Illinois Beach State Park, where we ended our route and picnicked. 1st place went to Glen & Barb Grosslags, 2nd place went toBill Kalafut & Jean Heasley and 3rd Place went to Phil & Sandy Wydra. CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU!!!

Some of us, including Tim & I, walked to the beach to enjoy the sand? (there were mostly rocks) but still wonderful to be on a beach on Lake Michigan. I must admit, some of the rocks were quite beautiful! As I went rock hunting to add to my collection in my Zen garden, Tim swiftly changed into his swim trunks and just DOVE in!!! Let me tell you all, those boys from NW Indiana have no fear when it comes to COLD water – they grew up playing in natural ICE COLD Creeks!!! You can take Tim out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Indiana out of him!!! He always has a great time no matter what conditions may be like! I so admire him for that because you’d never get this Jewish girl from the North shore EVER dipping my toe much less my entire body into freezing cold Lake Michigan!! LOL! GREAT EVENT RAY & MARDEE!!! Thank s again for stepping up to the plate to run an event!!! There is a full write up in this month’s issue!

Although Tim & I did not attend the MG International 2021, I heard it was an EXCELLENT event!! Congratulations to Melissa Gonzales for Placing 1st for her MGB LE (1979-80)!!! Quite a few MG club members drove 870 miles to attend this extraordinary event! I am sure there will be many pictures and a review on this in this month’s issue as well.

The Blackhawk Farms Raceway event will take place on Monday, July 5th!! Jim Compton has planned a driving route to get to this exciting event!!! I will have to recap next month on how this event turned out. I am sure it was a BLAST!!!

That was it for July….I’m a little disappointed no one called me to plan an event, but I will let you all slide this month……


There are (2) two events scheduled for August. On Thursday, August 19th, Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley are once again hosting and organizing the Westmont Cruisin’ Night & street fair. They will have their FAMOUS MG walking Rally and a fabulous buffet style spread!! This is a GREAT EVENT!!! Tons of cars to look at, street vendors and of course a MG BEST IN SHOW contest judged by the patrons in the town attending the festival! DON’T MISS OUT…and put this date on your calendar!!!!! There is more information in this month’s issue.

The 2nd event taking place on Sunday the 22nd Carl Vogel & Laurel Fredericks are graciously hosting and organizing the legendary TALLY HO RALLY. (I’m not even sure how many years he has done this….well before Tim and I were members – and that’s been 10 plus years!) This Rally is so much fun with very challenging questions and things to watch for along the beautiful scenic route. BEWARE – IT MAY CAUSE A BIT OF A TURBULANCE with your navigator – especially if it is your spouse…SO BE ON YOUR GAME!!!! Carl always has such unique prizes he awards to the winners at the lunch which follows the Rally at the Lucky Monk in South Barrington. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT!!!

Looking forward into September (I hate to even think about September…summer has just begun!!!) There are (2) events confirmed on the calendar. The BRITISH CAR FESTIVAL will take place on Sunday the 12th. and I am thrilled to announce that there will be a GARAGE TOUR this season!! Jeff Powell will be hosting his Garage Tour Sunday the 19th. He has a LOT of cars to show you!!!! Definitely save the date for both these events! More information to come next month.

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO PLAN AN EVENT OR AN IMPROMTU DRIVE….Can I GUILT anyone into organizing an event?????? Come on now…still lots of open dates on our calendar – How am I going to present awards this year if there is only a handful of events to score????? I have really great award ideas for this year….enticing enough??? (Probably not…) Feel free to call me if anyone has any fun ideas!!!!

WOW…Lot’s to talk about – almost a full 2 pager for me (and no “Fun fact fillers”) LOL!!!

That’s all I have for now…..Hope you had a WONDERFUL 4th of July with your family and friends!!!! See you soon!

Be well and stay safe!!!!

~~Jamie Schafer  

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