The Steering Column
Left Hand Drive
from our President
Hi all, I just got back from Peterborough Ontario, and I had a phenomenal time. It was quite a drive – we drove about 630 miles straight thru from Chicago to Ontario and only stopped for gas and lunch. Once there, it was like High School Reunion, meeting all the wonderful people from all over the States and Canada.
It was wonderful greeting all who attended - but not only that, seeing the array of MGs beautifully displayed in the parking lots of both hotels. The parking at both hotels was a little tight but the Best Western down the street (where I stayed) was not. Fortunately, we were able to have a “wash station” at both hotels.
Just like all events there were rally’s, tours, funkhana, parties in parking lot and so much more. However, what I really enjoyed was walking around and meeting new faces and just talking, learning, and laughing. I realized when you have this good energy surrounding you, you embraced by more energy.
I do have some bragging rights for getting third place for Other British – Mini Cooper and 1st Place for Photography (I will bring the photo to our next meeting). It is a picture of me underneath my car learning to change the master slave cylinder along with Dino and his nephew Manny. You see it takes a team to win. Also, I would like to thank Liga and Tom. Liga took the picture and Tom laid out the photos in a frame with a loving message to my dad. There is no I in team, it is about Together, Everyone, Achieves, More.
Not only did I win, but the people I met for instance Mike from Pittsburgh with his beautiful Inca 1979-1980 MGB fully restored got fourth place – there were so many cars in this class:
Ben and Tracy from Michigan – also received first place for their “Kilr B”
Lian from OH – received third for her beautiful Red GT 1968-1969
Tony from OH – received first for his gorgeous MGB 1965-1967 and then they received the prestigious
John Thornley Award – for their MG Spirit and Enthusiasm – well deserved.
The people listed above were the people I spent time together with, yes they are winners but we all are winners in our Club.
Food for thought - it would be a fabulous experience to host an event such as NAMGBR here in Chicago. As I said before there is no “I” in TEAM…. Together, Everyone, Achieves, More. Till next year, Calgary 2023.
The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive
from our Vice-President
