Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2022

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2022

25 Members

CMGC President Melissa Gonzales opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Melissa recognized a new member in attendance: Jeff Blair of Chicago owns a 1974 Aconite MGB. During the start of the meeting, a passing visitor noticed the MG cars in the parking lot and came into the restaurant to see who the owners were. Adam & Tori Mozdzien of DesPlaines stayed for the meeting and joined during the break as new members. Adam currently has a 1967 Austin Healey Sprite MkIV.

Meeting Minutes – May meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report – no report
Librarian – Still working on updating the library inventory.
Membership – The current membership in good standing is 205 – 21 new members since the 1st of the year.

Driving Events
Past events included: The Spring Chicken Tour, LaGrange Pet Parade, NAMGAR, Lake County Fun Run – (8 cars), Highland Games – 33 Pipe Bands, Black Hawk Farms Raceway (our Dave Bralich advanced to 10th place running in a field of 38 cars. Great job Dave!)
The Driving Events Calendar is filling in. Upcoming events are: The Beller Museum Drive – June 25th; GOF (Gathering of the Faithful) – July 11-15th, Hotdog/Poker Run July 24th..

Additional event dates are being firmed up and working on obtaining additional events for the calendar year. Members discussed the driving distances for various types of events - day trips vs overnight events.


Regalia - George Phariss noted that Lands’ End can provide our club logo on almost any product. Check out their website.

Car projects
Tim Schafer – still working on finishing up the Midget restoration – engine started.
Steve Sparks – blew a head gasket.
Kevin Carlson – Still working on repairing the left-front fender – cam back from the paint shop.
Jeff Powell – Battery replacement issue with his ’71 MGB.

50/50 raffleGeorge Phariss was the winner of tonight’s drawing - $32 – and returned it for next month’s rollover. Dave Bralich took home Avon aftershave in a MG-TD decanter; Jeff Blair is now the owner of a MG Tee-Shirt, and Tim Schafer took home a steering wheel cover.

New Business
Mileage ReimbursementKevin Carlson announced the CMGC Staff voted to allow a mileage reimbursement for event planning travel. The plan is to allow for two trips at $0.36/mile of the planned event final mileage. Additional details will be worked out in future meetings. This would be in addition to the existing reimbursement of reasonable printing material costs for event.

Special Presentation
Dean Hickenlooper presented a slide show summarizing the Lap Around The Lake sponsored by Hagerty Insurance Agency. There were about 100 cars making a 1,000-mile trip around Lake Michigan in 5 Days. Quite a trip!

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:41 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux
CMGC Secretary 

Attention CMGC Members - It's SHOW AND TELL Time!
(at the June and July monthly meetings - Mon. 20 June and Mon. 18 July)
Mr. Beef & Pizza, Mt. Prospect - 7:00 p.m.

Let's drive our cars (MGs, that is!) to these meetings. We'll try to park together so we can "show" our LBCs and "tell" each other about them - especially if any recent repairs and / or modifications (i.e., improvements) have been made. We can spend time with the cars outside before the meeting starts, and then again outside after the meeting concludes (since these months have maximum daylight).

While we are inside, after the business part of the meeting ends, we can still have a "Show and Tell" - with any replacement or replaced parts and / or special tools (bought or made) that will be or have been used. Since not all Club members can attend the Tune-Up or Tune-Down clinics, during these meeting nights they will have a chance to see and learn about other members' MGs.

When you arrive at these monthly meetings, park your MG behind, or to the south of, the restaurant - not in the north end of the lot near the drive-through entrance, so that area is kept clear.

And - don't forget to bring some CMGC bi-folds / trifolds, as some other restaurant customers might be curious and wander out to talk with us about MGs.

Safety Fast!
~~ Doug Clark    

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