Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2022

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hi Everyone!!!

MAN….this summer is already FLYING!!!! You know what they say…..after the 4th of July, the summer is over in a blink of an eye….at least that’s what I always say…..

Our events last month in June were AWSOME!!!! Doug Clark did a GREAT JOB organizing and hosting the Lagrange Pet Parade! The weather was PERFECT, the cars went at a moderate nice pace (still only being in 2nd gear) but all 7 cars, (1) TF, (2)TD’s (1) A and (3) B’s were able to show off our Beautiful club’s cars with PRIDE AND JOY!!! Oh yes…I lead the MG’s with the “PSEUDO MG MASCOTTS”…my darling Dandie Dinmont Terriers – Sydney & Dolly in their wagon!!! They were actually the “SHOW STOPPERS”!!!! LOL!

Although I did not make it to the Lake County Fun Run Rally, I heard it was a GREAT Time! 9 cars participated. Thank you Ray Costa for organizing this event again!!! There should be a nice review and write up in this month’s issue.

The Highland games Hosted by James Brennan was another GREAT DAY OUT! The weather was BEAUTIFUL! Sunny and not too hot!!! 10 Cars participated in the British car show. Congratulations to Steve Skegg who placed 2nd with his Mini Clubman and Dean Hickenlooper who placed 3rd with his STUNNIG MGA. Once again, I was with my dogs at the meet & greet the Scottish breeds. We all had a fabulous day out!

I AM positive THAT OUR “FEARLESS LEADER” – Madam President Melissa Gonzales will have an AWESOME review and write up on the NAMGBR which took place in Peterborough, Ontario. Can’t wait to hear about how it went!

Our last event in June was really SPECTACULAR! 13 cars participated. Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley hosted and organized a Wonderful Drive up to the Beller Museum. . The Private collection of Ford cars & trucks, an enormous warehouse of collectibles consisting of various car parts, tools, signs and magazines, etc. It was MIND BLOWING!!!! The couple who owns this private collection were so kind and full of unbelievable information and history of everything we saw in their various buildings we toured! I’m sure the write up will have many pictures and details in this month’s issue.

There remains to be ONLY 2 events this month in July. That’s ok, only because the GOF is a weeklong event in itself…..

I hear that The GOF, taking place in LaCrosse WI on July 11th – 15th is going to be a really BIG turn out! Almost everyone I have spoken to said they were going! I can’t wait to hear about how it went and will recap in next month’s driveline.


There is still plenty of time to mark your calendar for Sunday July 24th for an EXCITING DAY OUT! Phil & Sandy Wydra are organizing and hosting The Hot Dog Poker Run Event!!
All information has been posted in the Driveline, email blasts and the website. There will be information in this month’s issue as well! Tim & I CAN’T WAIT TO ATTEND THIS EVENT!!!! Looking forward to it!!!! Hope to see many of your there!!!

There are some AWESOME EVENTS on the calendar for next month in August.
The Westmont Cruisn’ Night, once again being organized and hosted by Bill Kalafaut and Jean Heasley is scheduled on Thursday-August 18th This annual event is ALWAYS A GREAT TIME!! Let’s see what Bill and Jean have planned for the Rally part of this event this year. Don’t forget to put an extra shine on your MG for the MG car show portion of this event!! The Vintage club cars are tough to beat…As they always seem to be the most “GLAMOUROUS” TYPES OF THE MG MODELS”” (which they truly are!!!) However…there are some GREAT LOOKING MGA’s and B’s and other type MG models out there up for the challenge and ready for the competition!!!!

Carl Vogel will once again be hosting and organizing the legendary Tally Ho Rally – Sunday, August 21. Always be “ON YOUR GAME” for this fun and challenging Rally!!! Looking forward to seeing many participants show up !!!!!

JUST TO LET EVERYONE KNOW…..WE NEED SOME DRIVING EVENTS PLANNED FOR SEPTEMBER!!!!!!! NOTHING is scheduled for this month as of now……PLEASE contact me with ANY idea you may have……It would be a shame not to all get together for an event in what I consider to be one of the Best months to drive in for the season!!!! Hope to hear from someone???? Maybe 2 or 3 members?????

With all that being said, HAVE A WONDERFUL and SAFE 4th of July!!!!!!!!!

Be Well & Safe!!

~~Jamie Schafer  

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