Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2020

Past Event

Summer COVID-19 get-together
Sponsored by
Gonzo Group Entertainment
July 25, 2020

Yes, it was a hot summer afternoon in the Huntley Del Webb Sun City but that didn't stop a few of the CMGC folks from getting together for a day on the lawn and having a brew and appetizers.
Plenty of cool craft beer.

Melissa Gonzales (AKA Gonzo Group Entertainment) put together this shindig to break the monotony of cloistering ourselves and our MGs from having some summer fun. There were libations and light eats, plenty of car-talk, an unscheduled Tech Session and ultimately a return home via flatbed for one of the vehicles.

Everyone arrived but were inside the house eating, while social distancing ... It was too hot!!!

It’s not an MG gathering without a tech session.

You know what they say it's not a party until something is broken. Dean and Kerry did make it sputtering to our house but unfortunately had some mechanical issues so their beautiful MGB was towed home.

Folks started to arrive early afternoon around 3:30 and the beer was cold and ready. For the most part, folks maintained Social distancing and wearing face masks. The food and beverages were flowing, as were great conversations.

The Host’s Cars—A beautiful mini and an MGB LE.
Additionally, to make things interesting, if you put a mask on your car, a prize was given out for the most creative masked car. Books were given away.

The prize—commemorative Princess Diana Key Chain—for the best masked car went to Dean and Kerry Hickenlooper since they were the only masked car.

Thank you to everyone who came and braved the heat. It truly was an MG gathering.
~~ Melissa Gonzales  

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