Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2021

The Steering Column

Phil Wydra
Left Hand Drive
from our President


On July 19th the CMGC held it’s first in person meeting in seventeen months. It was wonderful to see all the familiar faces along with a few new ones mixed in. I believe we had over 20 members in attendance.

The meeting was held at Mr. Beef and Pizza in Mount Prospect on Elmhurst Rd. I talked to some of the members after the meeting and they seemed pleased with the new meeting venue. The food was very good with reasonable prices. The establishment is clean with plenty of well lit parking.

I was recently informed that Darryl Mayo is not available this year to organize the marshalling for the British Car Fest held at Harper Collage on September 12th. Under Darryl’s direction, our club has handled the marshalling for a number of years. Many of us have given an hour of our time to direct the incoming cars to their designated areas. It is a great way to see some beautiful examples of various classic automobiles as they arrive.

Our club gladly undertakes the duties of marshaling. It really isn’t that difficult or time consuming. The Triumph club in turn does all the balloting. That can be quite a painstaking task. Plus you have to stay till the last award is given.

That being said, the CMGC is in looking for someone to organize the marshaling duties. These duties involve creating the schedule and handing out those very attractive orange vests. If interested please contact any officer of the club.

Lastly, refer to Jamie Schafer’s column for some new driving events. Jamie works tirelessly getting people to organize and run the different events during the driving season. Please consider organizing a rally or tour sometime in the future. Other than technical support, the helping hands and the camaraderie the club provides, these driving events are what make our club great.

Stay safe my friends,
~~ Phil Wydra      


Melissa Gonzales The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

My how time flies, can you believe it? We are more than halfway through the year…yikes!

The first half of 2021 and MG events brought fun, new friendships, and great memories. We want to thank everyone who came out and participated. We know you all have busy schedules. With work, kids, house chores, etc., it can be chaotic, so the club is extremely grateful for your time and membership support. Without you our club wouldn’t be the best in the Midwest. Again, thank you!

When I think of past events I liken it to looking in the rearview mirror and saying goodbye and when you look out the windshield there is a whole new horizon and the idea of more fun coming your way. We have several events planned for September and October. We invite you to check out our website: for a list of what’s happening. Spread the word to other members of the club who haven’t attended an event this year. We would love to someday have 100% participation!

If nothing else get your MG out on the road! These little cars are magnificent machines and need to be driven. Remember the Tin Man in the wizard of OZ? Don’t let your car get rusty or the hoses hard so they’ll crack and make sure to run the car frequently so the oil travels through the engine. You all have experienced this, driving your car and heads turn, people smile. Ladies, you’re the next generation get out on the road and make someone’s day.

To sum up this article, participate, give a suggestion for an event, and get your car out on the road. Remember “Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator.”

See you all soon.

~~ Melissa Gonzales    

British Wiring

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