Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2021

25 Members

  CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:15 pm. There were new faces in the group - Paul Pickley, Jim Mowers and Mary Kay Cobb, Thomas Hunkele (guest) - all welcome. This is the first meeting together in almost a year - new venue to boot! Mr. Beef and Pizza in Mount Prospect, IL

Car projects
Tim Schafer
- MGB LE – taking apart a recent purchase this past weekend. Hope to do a restore - will update soon. Looking Good.
Steve Sparks -a beautiful "RED Midget" Engine issue - as fast as putting in transmission as coming out. "don't know where I would be without this club.
Bill Hedrick - it took me 35 years to get car running the way he wants it! Keep with it. Bill picked up 1968 MGB-GT - we can hardly wait to see it - Good Luck Bill.
Dave ‘Cowboy’ Bralich - trick for trunk latch (noted in last month’s issue of Driveline) worked on Walt’s K car. Dave, again Thank you!

Meeting Minutes - June meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report
- Treasurer Jim Compton reported 7/18/2021 - Total available funds - 29,323.88. Checking - available funds - 6765.57;
Savings - ending balance - 22,558.31. For break down please see treasure's report - you can ask one of the staff members.
Librarian – Pau Pickley – "people are checking out books"
Membership – No Report


Driving Event
Past event —Blackhawk Farm Raceway trip - we got our cars up to 60 MPH on the serpentine Autocross track.

Upcoming events include:
August 19th - Bill Kalafut Westmont Cruisin Nights - sounds like a blast. Members can park in front of Bills office. People’s Choice awards and awards for walking rally will be awarded. More details to come.
August 22nd - Tally Ho Rally coming up soon. We be driving in good fun for the Fox.
Sept 12th - British Car Union Festiva – Harper College Palatine, IL
Sept 18th - possible LaGrange Pet Parade. Still tentative for this event.
Sept 19th - potential Garage Tour - Jeff Powell
Oct 16th - Saturday Vintage Race Days

Old Business.
In-person Club Meetings
- Enjoying the new meeting venue - no potholes in the parking lot, meeting room is at no charge, beer on-tap for $3.50, and Vegan food available.

Natter N Noggin’ – meeting at Finn McCool’s on the 2nd Wednesday of the month - have not made it there yet but we would like to see more attendance per Dave Bralich.

CMGC Website committee - working with the Bluehost platform.

50-50 Raffle - $39.00 - went to our new member - Jim Mowers - Congratulations Jim! Brian Dublin - took the vintage sign - it was a cool sign and Jim Wales - won the burlap MG bag.

New Business - No new business was presented. 

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:29 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Gonzales for Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary 

Autocross 2021

To all my fellow CMGC friends.

This year The Windy City Miata Cclub will be hosting their autocross. But I have gotten too busy to continue as the autocross coordinator for the CMGC. So I’m looking for someone to step up and take over the coordination of our club with the Miata Autocross and any other that you manage to find. I’ve enjoyed the racing and the friends I’ve made while autocrossing, But with primary babysitting duties I just can’t dedicate the time to autocross this year. I might still attend one or two but it will be on short notice (just before registration closes) basis.

So Please someone step up and lead the CMGC back into competitive driving.

~~ Jim Compton            

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