Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2021

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello Everyone!!!

I always say the same thing every year right after the 4th of July …..Well – the summer’s over….Because in a BLINK OF THE EYE…. August is a blur, and we are somehow celebrating Labor Day weekend…JUST LIKE THAT!!! SLOW DOWN FATHER TIME!!!!!! August is going to be a GREAT month for all of us to get out and enjoy the TRUE “DOG DAYS OF SUMMER”!!!!

Before I get into this month’s event, lets BREIFLY discuss July’s (1) event…..very sad, at least for me, that we did not have any other events scheduled other than the Blackhawk Farms Raceway. I heard it was a BLAST!! A handful of members attended and had a GRAND time getting their MGs on the track! Jim Compton organized a route to the event while others joined them at the track. There should be a nice article written about all the details in this month’s driveline.

As far as this month’s event, Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley are AGAIN hosting and organizing their8th annual Westmont Cruisin’ Night & street fair on Thursday, August 19th. This is a FUN FILLED Event including their famous walking Rally, MG contest (best in show), GREAT FOOD and of course the street fest, car show (ALL TYPES OF CARS), various vendors and live music. I really hope to see at least 15 MG cars parked in front of their store front!!!! What a statement we would make as a club to have all MG cars, T types and MG A’s, B’s, C’s GTs, and MIDGETS…..PLEASE come out and have as always a FABULOUS NIGHT OUT!!!!! All details in this month’s driveline.

On Sunday the 22nd Carl Vogel & Laurel Fredericks are AGAIN hosting and organizing the legendary TALLY HO RALLY. This is one of the FAMOUS HISTORIC Rally’s that most Members of the Chicagoland MG club and Vintage club are very familiar with!!! Lots of driving with lots of challenging questions along the route. BE ON YOUR GAME or be prepared for a lot of 3 point turns when you realize you missed a road or two or three…. LOL!!! Carl always has unique “FOX” prizes to pass out at the Lucky Monk in South Barrington, where the drivers will all end up at for lunch. Hope Carl gets a HUGE TURNOUT!!!!!! He deserves it with all the hard work he puts into this Rally!!!

Next month in September, THE BRITISH CAR FESTIVAL will take place on Sunday the 12th. There are full details in this month’s driveline.

It is CONFIRMED…. On Sunday the 19th, there will be a GARAGE TOUR hosted by Jeff Powell. I hear he has many COOL bikes and cars for everyone to “OOH and AWW “about!!! I am really looking forward to this event! COME ON EVERYONE…..make it to this event!!! You will truly enjoy the show!!!!! Details in this month’s Driveline as well.


A sneak preview for October’s events……SAVE THE DATES FOR: The Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors on Saturday the 9th and YES……a “MODIFIED” WBC (wine beer and cheese) tour (day trip only) on Sunday, October 10th!!!

Lastly, the SPOOKY LEGENDARY HALLOWEEN RALLY is scheduled for Sunday, October 24th!!!! More details to come on all these events in next month’s issue.

I have heard of some ideas for organizing events in our last MG members meeting - which I am thrilled to say was LIVE IN PERSON at a WONDERFUL SPOT in Mount Prospect. I must commend our fearless leader, Our President – Phil Wydra and his “First Lady” – Sandy Wydra for finding this restaurant –Mr. Beef & Pizza. The accommodations were great, the food was great, and the location was close to most expressways!!! (Oops – got off track there for a minute) For those who had mentioned ideas of either “impromptu gatherings or planning a driving event – WE STILL HAVE the end of August and two (2) very good months left with slots open to fill!! Please contact me to discuss and we will get it on the calendar before our driving season ends ALL TOO SOON!!!!

The ONLY HOLIDAY I know of in August is: NATIONAL DOG DAY – August 26th!!!! (How fitting for me!!!!!)

Post some cute pics of your babies on our MG Facebook page or just give your four legged “kid(s)” some extra treats and long walks or car rides!!!!!! (And of course – LOTS OF KISSES AND HUGS)!!!!! They deserve the recognition – after all – they live to make us happy UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE – UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!!!


~~Jamie Schafer  

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