Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2022

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello All!!!

We are headed into the hottest month of the summer! August is usually very HUMID and hot, but more of a GREAT reason to take out our beloved MG’s out for a nice ride and bring along a spray bottle to mist yourselves and LOTS of water to stay HYDRATED!!!

July had two (2) wonderful events!! The GOF, which took place in LaCrosse WI on July 11th – 15th and the Hot Dog Poker Run Rally.

Although Tim and I were not there to experience this event, I heard the GOF was AWESOME and had an incredible turnout with MG members from many different states! I am so sorry I missed Reinout & Henneke!! I heard they won an award for EMMA!!!! ONGRATUATIONS!!!!! Congrats as well to all our other Chicagoland MG club winners!!!! I heard many of you took home trophies!!!! You can read about all the details and view many pictures in this month’s Driveline!

MAJOR CUDOS to Sandy & Phil Wydra who organized and hosted the Hot Dog Poker Run Rally on Sunday July 24th. I LOVED this event!!! The route we drove was SPECTACULAR, the directions were EXCELLENT and very easy to follow! (I know because I did not get Tim and I lost and I never missed a turn!!) Let me tell you – this was a FIRST!!!! I did a pretty good job navigating thanks to Sandy and her PERCISE written directions!!!!

The event was so original and clever with accumulating poker cards while on the route! I was SO EXCITED because the first 3 cards we pulled were a King, Queen and a 10! I then pulled an Ace!!!!! I thought WOW!!!!!! ALL we NEED IS THAT JACK and we could have a pretty nice winning hand! I of course pulled a 4 and a 7….NADA, ZIP, NOTHING!!!! Although we had a LOOSER HAND – it was a BLAST playing and we thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful roads we drove.

There were also questions along the entire route to answer so you really had to be on “your game” and pay close attention…which I of course was not – I missed 3 or maybe 4 of them!! We ended up at the famous Superdawg which was CLASSIC!!! We all sat outside together, ate lunch and then prizes were presented to the winning hand of Poker and the question portion of the Rally. Congratulations to Jolie & Ken Fredette with their FULL HOUSE for the Poker game and Ric & Nancy Maitzen in 1st, Dave Bralich & Dee in 2nd and (in a roll off) because 3 people tied for 3rd place – Eric Gruber & Carolyn took 3rd in the question portion of the rally. ALL The details and pictures will be in this month’s issue.


There are (2) two driving events this month. Don’t miss the ANNUAL Westmont Cruisn’ Night organized and hosted by Bill Kalafaut & Jean Heasley on Thursday-August 18th. PLEASE be sure to RSVP to Bill Kalafaut if you plan to come. or text him at 630-816-4585. All details and information has been posted in last month’s driveline, the website and the email blasts and will most likely be in this month’s driveline as well.

Carl Vogel & Laurel Fredericks is AGAIN hosting and organizing the fabulous Tally Ho Rally, taking place on Sunday, August 21st. Try to come out and take on this challenging, fun drive!! All details and information is posted in this month’s driveline, website and email blasts as well.

I regret to inform you guys that there is only (1) event in September……The British Car Festival, which happens to be a SUPER EVENT TO ATTEND, taking place on Sunday, September 11th. ALL details and information will be listed in this month’s driveline and the website.

I cannot PLEAD and BEG with you all enough……..BUT THERE IS STILL TIME TO GIVE ME A CALL and PLAN an event in September!! The weekend of the 17th and 24th is wide open!!
Hope to hear from ANYONE?????????!!!!!! JJJ


~~Jamie Schafer  

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