Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2022

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2022

36 Members

CMGC President Melissa Gonzales opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Melissa recognized new members in attendance: Greg Thorsky of LaGrange owner of a 1980 blue MGB and 1969 orange Austin America; and Ken & Jolie Fredette of Downers Grove owners of a 1955 white MG-TF.

Meeting Minutes – June meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report – Kevin Carlson reported $3,896 checking, $30,261 savings for a total of $34,157.
Librarian – Still working on updating the library inventory.
Membership – The current membership in good standing is 206 – 22 new members since the 1st of the year.

Guest Speaker
Steve Skegg of Fix-It Garage presented a show-&-tell of items of damaged from misuse or neglect. Steve also shared some insight of repair techniques he uses. Distributer servicing, use of anti-seize compound for dissimilar metals, detecting arrant sparking in ignition wires, valve tappet noise were some of the topics discussed.


50/50 raffleDave Bralich was the winner of tonight’s drawing - $82 – ($32 from last month’s rollover). Bill Kalafut took home an antique MG sign, Steve Sparks took home an 8-pack of beer with MG labels, Tim Schafer is now the owner of a MG polo-shirt, and Ken Fredette took home a set of four CMGC pint classes.

Car projects
Steve Sparks – blew a head gasket last month and was repaired before the run to GOF.
Victor L’Heureux – finished upgrading the fuel system from tank to carburetors replacing fuel pump, filters, and tubing.

Driving Events
Past events included: The Beller Museum Drive – June 25th; GOF – July 11-15th.
The Driving Events Calendar is filling in. Upcoming events are Hotdog/Poker Run July 24th , Westmont Crusin’ Nite August 18th, and Tally-Ho Rally August 21st.

New Business
Monthly meeting venue – Kevin Carlson noted that we are looking for a new location to host our monthly meetings. Garibaldi's Italian Eatery in Hoffman Estates can satisfy our need for a large space and separate meeting room. Still looking for alternatives.
Guest Speakers – August is still open for a speaker; September - Dave Bralich & Kevin Carlson will talk about MG Racing.
British Car Union (BCU) – The CMGC is responsible for marshalling at the British Car Show in September. We need a Marshalling Coordinator for this event.
Hosting NAMGBR in 2025 – Malissa expressed an interest in having the CMGC host this event in Chicago area. Additional discussions will be needed to determine the feasibility of this task.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux
CMGC Secretary 

Welcome New Members!

The officers and members of the Chicagoland MG Club extend a cordial “MG Welcome” to the new members who have joined our club in recent months. We wish you “Safety Fast” and hope you will avail yourself of as many club activities as you can.

Chad Hosfield Chicago IL 1979 MGB
Jolie Fredette Downers Grove IL 1955 white MG-TF

Notice: To any member whose name does not appear above, your application may have missed our deadline.
If you don’t see your name next month, call our Membership Chair, Victor L’Heureux at (847) 533-3912 to verify

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