Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline September 2021
Past event
Tally Ho Rally
August 22, 2021

August 22, 2021, saw another running of the fabled Tally Ho Rally, organized by Carl Vogel and Laurel Fredericks. Carl has been hosting this rally since before some of the participants were born! Carl’s red TF sat front and center, so we all knew where to park at the Lucky Monk Restaurant. Four other T-series cars participated in the Rally, including another TF, a TC and two TDs. The rest of the field of sixteen consisted of MGBs and a few modern cars. Carl made the decision not to dock points for members using modern
Carl’s red MG TF sat front and center at the Lucky Monk Restaurant

vehicles because our group is aging, as are our cars, and some participants need air conditioning to compete. The average speed was 26 MPH, and the route was about 43 miles – longer if, like this writer, you made mistakes and had to retrace the route for a second look at the signs!

Driver’s meeting –pay attention to the rules of the game!


A few of the 20 cars ready to rally.

There was a tie for first place, and prizes were earned for the first nine places.
- 1st Place (TIED) Phil & Cameron Risner and Phil &
Sandy Wydra
- 3rd Place-Bill Kalafut & Jean Heasley
- 4th Place-Doug Clark & Tim Schafer
- 5th place-Glenn & Barb Glossklags
- 6th place-Ric & Nancy Maitzen
- 7th place-Tom & Vicki Moore
- 8th place-Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper
- 9th place-Eric and Carolyn Gruber.

For those of us driving ancient, open cars, the sun cooperated and hid behind clouds for part of the ride. Even so, under-bonnet temperatures were hot enough to evaporate motor fuel, which required some fast footwork to keep my XPAG on the boil time to time. MGB owners had an easier time of it. It was great to be out and having fun with others who have similarly bent minds.

~~ Carl Vogel & Laurel Fredericks

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