Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events
Hello all!!!
It amazes me how fast our LITERALLY “UNEVENTFUL” summer came and went. This awful and oh so “tiring” Pandemic caused so much isolation from each other. As bad as it was, we have all seemed to stay in touch through telling stories in our monthly MG Driveline, attending monthly MG meetings via Zoom and occasionally taking our cars out for rides and making the best of a very trying year.
I feel so bad when asked at our MG members meeting and Officers meeting if I have any news on events. My answer is ALWAYS – “NOTHING TO REPORT”…’s so sad and I really miss talking about all the events, let alone attending them.
I am staying positive and optimistic that things will get better!! THEY HAVE TO!!!!!!
The legendary Halloween Rally and Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors will sadly not take place this month.
On a GREAT NOTE…Dave Bralich (Cowboy) will be hosting the Fall Tune Down on Sunday, November 1st!!! I may even go just to see you guys and enjoy Dave’s famous Chili!!!!!
OK….TIME FOR MY “GIMMICK” for the Pandemic season.
OCTOBER FUN FACTS “(my ongoing monthly article filler)”.
October 2020 Brings Two Full Moons
The first full Moon of fall—in this case, the Harvest Moon—will appear on Thursday, October 1. Later in the month, on Saturday, October 31 (Halloween), the second full Moon appears. This is the Hunter’s Moon, which will be special for two reasons: it’s a rare Halloween full Moon and a Blue Moon!
Oct. 2: Name your Car day
Oct. 2: World SMILE Day
Oct. 5: Do Something Nice Day
Oct. 12: Columbus Day
Oct. 14: Be Bald and free day
Oct. 16: National Fossil Day
Oct: 24: Make a Difference Day
Oct. 30: Frankenstein Friday
Oct. 31: Halloween
~~Jamie Schafer