Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2021

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello everyone!!

Times just keeps FLYING BY….The nights are getting cooler, daylight getting shorter, leaves beginning to fall and soon they will be turning beautiful colors of Red and yellow, all the signs that we are in the month of October!!! Hopefully the weather stays warm for the two.AMAZING.
Driving events scheduled for this month. Before I talk about the October events, let’s recap what went on last month in September.

It was a GLORIOUS day for the annual British Car Festival which took place on Sunday, September 12th. The weather was PERFECT, and the turnout of British cars and attendees was outstanding!!! I think I heard there were more MG type cars in the show than any other British make car!! I am sure there are MANY pictures and a write up in this month’s Driveline. The winners for the show will also be listed. Congratulations to all that won best car in their category!!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Jeff & Sharon Powell for their spectacular GARAGE TOUR EVENT, which took place on Sunday, September 19th. I was SO disappointed that I was unable to make it to this most anticipated event. I believe, from the signup sheet I received, there were 33 total members, and 13 cars, consisting of T types and MGBs and a MGC! There were many members I spoke to who attended and could not RAVE enough about Jeff’s collection of cars and Sharon’s Bicycles and even a collectible pair of marionettes!!! I will DEFINITELY stop by their house to have a “private tour” to see what I missed!!!!! A write up with hopefully a lot of pictures will also be in this month’s driveline.

This month, there are 3 FABULOUS events. Make sure you keep the dates open for the following:

Saturday the 16th the Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors will be hosted again by Jim Vondran. This is always a wonderful event to help out the seniors with their cars!! They always look forward to seeing the MG club members come out and have a chat and help them with their cars, whether being an oil change, filling up their tires, or just socializing with the guys!!!!

Sunday, October 10th, Amy & Russ Mehaffey are stepping up to the plate AGAIN to host a “MODIFIED” WBC (wine beer and cheese) tour (day trip only)! This Driving event tour in the past has always been a weekend tour. This year, a FULL day trip is planned. Amy & Russ have organized a delightful day out, driving a scenic route into Wisconsin, making a few stops along the way, and ending up in Kenosha Wisconsin at the noteworthy Mars Cheese Castle, where you can find GREAT WINE, CHEESE and BEER!!!! There is a scrumptious deli inside to grab a bite to eat and even some shopping for souvenirs and gifts!!! Hope to see many of you there….you will SURELY enjoy this day out!!


Sunday, October 24th, Sandy & Phil Wydra are AGAIN hosting a SPOOKY, SCAREY THRILLING Driving event, non-other than the legendary HALLOWEEN RALLY!!! Get ready for a DELIGHTFUL driving route, challenging games at various stopping areas and a chance to win a prize for the BEST Halloween costume!! Make sure to show up to this event in an award-winning costume! It’s not only fun to dress up but also makes the event that much more AUTHENTIC for HALLOWEEN!!!! Hoping to see many of you attend!!!!

Looking forward in the month of November, sadly, being the FINAL month of our driving events season, there are (2) two events that are traditionally scheduled:

Save the date for the Fall Tune Down, Hosted and organized by Dave Bralich, on Sunday, November 7th. Details will be listed in this month’s drive line.

Also, mark your calendars for the HISTORICAL Cruise to the Rock, Hosted and organized again byAnn & Jake Snyder on Thanksgiving Morning, November 25th. The details will also be listed in this month’s driveline.


~~Jamie Schafer  

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