Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2022

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello MG Friends!!!

We are officially in Fall, my favorite time of the year!! Warm days and cool nights!! Leaves turning beautiful red and yellow…I think the most STUNNING time to take a ride and take in the crisp air and enjoy a scenic route!!!!

Although I wimped out and decided not to go to the annual British Car Festival this year due to the rain, my better half, Tim, braved out the storm and showed up for a bit and regretfully reported back that the turnout was not very good. What a shame!!!! But I heard that those who did go made the best of it and had a nice time regardless of the unfortunate weather.

I did, however attend the WILD AND CRAZY Tally Ho Rally! I was also reluctant to go on this driving event, knowing what was in store for me…. getting lost (more than what I expected) and divorcing Tim maybe 5 times and renaming him (many not so nice names….) as we turned around more than driving down some of the most beautiful roads on this very challenging Rally!!! I must say, the turnout was great and I was NOT alone as far as getting into it with my Driver! Most Navigators I spoke to had the same experience we did as far as getting lost, not being able to find certain turns, except of course for the PRO’S in our club – Bill Kalafaut & Jean Heasley, who came in 1st place, Ric & Nancy Maitzen following in 2nd and Ray Costa placing 3rd!!!! I have to mention Phil & Sandy Wydra – good for you as well…placing 4th out of 15 total cars!!!!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!! This was a tough but FUN rally – kudos to ALL OF YOU!!!!

A BIG THANK YOU Carl Vogel and Laurel Fredericks for once again putting this event together!!! There should be a detailed review in this month’s issue!


Please reserve these 3 dates in October and try to come out and participate in the following AMAZING Events you won’t want to miss out on:
  • The Car Care Safety Clinic for Seniors – hosted again by Jim Vondran -Saturday 10/8/22 –
  • The WCB (wine, cheese and beer) “Drive with a Stop II” - hosted again by Amy & Russ Mahaffey - Sunday 10/9/22
  • The Halloween Rally – Hosted and organized this year by Doug Clark Saturday 10/29/22.
    All details and information will be in this months issue, email blasts and the Website!!

  • The only event coming up in November is the annual Fall Tune Down hosted by Dave Bralich on Sunday, 11/6/22. This is always a GREAT gathering and turnout!! You should really attend and participate so you can enjoy Dave’s delicious HOMEMADE CHILI!!! (that’s why I go !!!!!) Oh yeah….you can also plan on doing some work on the cars and prepare them to be stored away until our next driving season in April of 2023. It will be here before you know it!!!!!

    Unfortunately, there will not be a Drive to the Rock on Thanksgiving Day in November. Due to all the construction, all the roads are closed off so we will have to play it out and see what progress they make for a possible 2023 Drive to the Rock…..Stay tuned…..

    Be Well & Safe!!

    ~~Jamie Schafer  

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