Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2022

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2022

34 Members

CMGC President >B>Melissa Gonzales opened the meeting at 7:03 pm. Melissa recognized new members in attendance: Michel & Rebecca Meredith of Clarendon Hills owner of a 1969 Tartan Red MGC. Also present was Troy Navarrete of Skokie. Troy has been a member since 2008 although this is his first meeting attendance. Welcome!

  Meeting Minutes – August meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved by membership.

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report – Kevin Carlson reported Checking $2,437.89, Savings $30,261.65, for a Total $32,699.54.
Librarian – Still working on updating the library inventory. Currently working on updating the website.
Membership – The current membership in good standing is 220 – 32 new members since the 1st of the year.
Website – Paul Pickley noted that a new member - Anthony D'Arco - has joined the team in updating the website. Tony has working knowledge in website design.
Regalia – George Phariss has several items on display for purchase. Previously ordered CMGC Name tags were available for pickup.

Guest Speaker
Dave Bralich & Kevin Carlson
- presented an informative session on what is required to race our vintage cars and the equipment required to keep safe on the track. Kevin put together a thrilling video taken of Dave & Kevin’s races at the various tracks in the area.

50/50 raffle – Dave Bralich was the winner of tonight’s drawing - $34. Dave elected to let the amount roll over until next month’s drawing.

Car projects
Tim Schafer
– His 1979 MG Midget is back on the road.
Barney Gaylord noted that his 1958 MGA needed an engine overhaul after 200,000 miles on the road. Rebuilt the engine and transmission in California before heading cross-country.
Club Project Car – Paul Pickley noted that the 1974 MGB-GT was moved to Tom Raddatz’s shop. A visual inspection noted the hydraulics look good with only minor repairs needed. Welding will probably the first task on the agenda.

Driving Events
Past events were: British Car Festival September 11th, and Tally-Ho Rally September 18th.
The upcoming Driving Events are: Car Safety Clinic for Seniors October 8th, Wine, Cheese, Beer Drive October 9th, Halloween Rally October 29th.


Old Business
– CMGC staff elections will be happening soon with nominations open in September. Melissa Gonzales, Paul Pickley and Kevin Carlson – President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively – have indicated they will be on the ballot. Secretary Victor L’Heureux will be stepping down after thirteen years in the position. Driving Events Coordinator Jamie Schafer will also be looking for a replacement although not an elected position.

New Business
Guest Speakers

October - The owner of MG Auto Electric (rebuilder of electrical components for vintage cars - including European and British) will be on-site for a presentation.
November - Apex2apex motorsports will be presenting. Ralph will bring some goodies for purchasing and things to show and tell.

Hosting NAMGBR in 2025 – Malissa is continuing to research the idea of the CMGC host this event in Chicago area. After preliminary meetings with NAMGBR official – Tony Burgess - Melissa has started looking at venues conducive of hosting the event in the Chicago area.

Elections – CMGC staff elections will be happening soon with nominations open in September. Melissa Gonzales, Paul Pickley and Kevin Carlson – President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively – have indicated they will be on the ballot. Secretary Victor L’Heureux will be stepping down after thirteen years in the position. Driving Events Coordinator Jamie Schafer will also be looking for a replacement although not an elected position.

Natter n Noggin – There has been a concern that the venue for he ‘even’ months for this event need to be changed. The current location – Finn McCool’s Irish Pub has not been responsive to the club’s needs. An alternate site – Bulldog Ale House on Golf Road in Rolling Meadows - is being investigated.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:54 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux
CMGC Secretary 

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