Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline November 2020
Important info

2021 Dues are now due!

As of last year the Driveline expenses are being removed from the club operating expenses. This means for those members wanting to receive the printed version (in addition to the eMailed version) of the Driveline newsletter, will need to support the full costs of printing and mailing expense. These expenses are estimated to be $30 per year.
Additionally, the club dues for all members will be reduced to $25 per year.

CMGC Members currently receiving only the electronic newsletter, will receive a separate mailing with the dues envelope and voting ballot inserted.

Yearly membership with an electronic version of the club newsletter eDriveline…. $25.
Yearly membership with a printed version of Driveline mailed to you………… …. $25 + $30 = $55.

Please note all CMGC members receive the electronic version eDriveline if we have your email address.

Fill in the requested information and send with your check payable to CMGC to:

Chicagoland MG Club PO Box 455, Addison, IL 60101

Chicagoland MG Club
Staff Position Elections

The Chicagoland MG Club consists of a membership of over 200 members; the majority residing in the Chicagoland area. The club is staffed with four elected officials and currently eight support staff positions. Staff members meet once a month. Being a club staff member is an honored position and is truly rewarding.

As we prepare for our 45th Anniversary in the year 2021, we will need strong leadership moving forward. You as an active member in good standing it is your obligation to cast your vote for the candidates running for the staff positions.

Below are the general responsibilities of the elected staff positions. We will be accepting nominations for staff positions at the November Club ZOOM meeting on November 16th. Won’t you consider ‘tossing your hat into the ring’ this year?

Elected Staff Positions                  function                                                                                        
President Provides leadership in club operations and presides over staff meetings and club meetings.
Vice-President Assists President in the organizational responsibilities of the club.
Secretary/Membership       Records meeting minutes and is responsible for club correspondence and membership database
Treasurer Records and maintains club finances.

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