Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline November 2021
Past event
(Continued from page 10)

Fast repair on a Triumph
HS4 float chamber to the jet being an issue.

Scenic roads were a big part of the great trip!

Early on the tour, one member's car had a flat tire. Collectively, we demonstrated safe caravan-style driving by pulling off to the side of the road together, with flashers blinking, and with cones put out on the pavement to help alert other drivers. Of course, other club members pitched in to help, and when the spare tire was fitted, we re-entered the road together and orderly in a seamless merge.

Dinner at Mars Cheese Castle for Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper.

The final destination was just before Interstate 94 near Kenosha - the Mars Cheese Castle. Upon arrival, drivers and navigators could load up on buying all sorts of edibles and "imbibibles". Some also retired to the bar for in-person eating and imbibing and socializing (to the extent possible over the raucous cheering / jeering of those watching the Packers' game on the big screen television).

Cheers to Amy and Russ for all their work in planning this driving event that covered nearly 150 miles on roads that were fun to drive. For the most part the weather cooperated, and most importantly, CMGC and VMGCC members enjoyed driving together, as usual.

All in all - another successful tour to (and back from) Wisconsin under our collective belt!

~~ Doug G. Clark
Safety Fast!
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