Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2021

The Steering Column

Phil Wydra
Left Hand Drive
from our President

Thanksgiving is over and the holiday season begins. By now we’ve all had our fill of turkey or whatever it is your family celebrates with.

My job is to make the dressing the night before, freeing up my wife to tend to the rest of the menu on the big day. Oh, I’ll help with the cleanup later, but my M.O. is to eat till I’m tired and sleep till I’m hungry. It is a tried-and-true tradition that has served me well. Matter of fact, if I’m real ambitious I will carry it over till the next day.

This does not mean that I neglect to reflect on the things I am thankful for. And every year the list gets bigger and bigger. This year we were blessed with a new grandson. If he is anything like his big brother, I may need to up my game. Is it possible to have two best friends?

Now onto Christmas and New Years. Last year my wife Sandy and I volunteered to be bell ringers for the Salvation Army. We had a great time greeting all the generous shoppers who found a little extra cash to support a great organization. Hopefully, we will find the time to repeat the experience again.

After Christmas we look forward to the new year. It will take me till April to stop writing 2021 on documents. Sometimes I still catch myself writing 2020. Old dog, old habits.

I wonder what 2022 will bring our way. Hopefully, we can start to return to normal again. I also hope that we can fill up the 2022 driving season with plenty of events, tours and rallies. All it takes is for someone to think of a destination they would like to visit, plan a route and throw in a lunch spot. There are still a lot of destinations around that I would like to visit while sharing the road with the Chicagoland MG Club.

In the meantime, I would like to say Hanukkah Sameach, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and “Festivus for the rest of us” to all our members.

Be safe my friends,

~~ Phil Wydra      


Melissa Gonzales The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

As the year-end approaches I just want to reflect on all the good times we had throughout 2021. Endless gratitude to our members and staff for making this year a success. The 3 “E’s”, educational, engaging and entertaining are my measurements for a wonderful year and what a year it was, especially on the entertaining side.

The talent, and the superb knowledge of being able to take apart a car and build it from the ground up. Members sharing their skills from photography, graphic design and informational technology. We also welcomed new members with very little knowledge but willing to roll up their sleeves and learn.

All the above and so much more, makes our club a family and I am so happy to be a part of it. I see why my mom has been part of this community for so many years. We stick together and we enjoy each other’s company.

As I sign off for 2021 I want to thank you for reading the thoughts I jot down on paper and wish you all a very merry holiday. See you in 2022!

Be healthy and stay safe,

~~ Melissa Gonzales    

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