Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2021

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2021

19 Members

  CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the meeting at 7:01 pm.

  Meeting Minutes - October meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved

Car projects
Bill Kalafut - MG YB has a weird noise and leaking antifreeze. Maybe a water pump seal. Haven’t had an opportunity to investigate.
Tim Schafer - The 79 MG Midget is currently getting a new coat of paint. The removed engine has been painted waiting for the body to be finished.
Dave Bralich - Blew a head gasket while racing. A closer inspection found issues with #2 & 3 pistons and found a hole in the valve. Car currently in the shop for repair. At least the racing season is over until next spring.

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report - Treasurer Jim Compton submitted the following via email: as of 11/01/2021 - $4,698 checking, $25,259 savings, Total $29,957.
Librarian - nothing new to report
Membership - Two new members joined in early October. The current membership in good standing is 212

Driving Events
Past events

  Oct 24th - Sunday Halloween Rally - Phil Wydra noted the event was a success, despite the inclement weather. More info in the December Driveline.
Nov 7th - Fall Tune-down at Dave Bralich’s house. Dave’s famous chili was on hand and enjoyed by all. Only two cars were worked on during the event - most of the 12+ participants enjoyed the camaraderie chili and beer!

Upcoming events include:
  Nov 26th - Cruise to the Rock - This annual event for lots of years planned by Jake & Ann Snyder will not happen this year since the area used for the event is fenced for construction of the Presidential Library.

Auto Appraisal Group

Old Business.
Natter N Noggin’ - The November meeting took place at the garage of Tom Raddatz in Lagrange Heights. The site is currently hosting the Wednesday Garage Group working on cars and sharing camaraderie. It was decided to continue using this site on alternate months for the N & N.
Project Car - The 1977 MGB was worked on during the N&N. Car was able to start. Good oil pressure. Paul was able to drive it out of the garage. Powertrain appears to be working normally. Work will continue.
Holiday Party -Jamie noted this event will be held in the Spring as an Awards Banquet. Doug Clark, Jamie Schafer and Dave Novak will be chairing this committee event.
CMGC Website committee - Tim Schafer reported the website is making some progress developing the ‘look & feel’ of the club website.
Swap Mee - This event is on the books March 27th at the DuPage Fairgrounds. Vendor invites will be sent after the holidays.
50-50 Raffle - $24.00 - Phil Wydra elected to roll-over this until next month; Mike Hirsch - Moss fender cover; Dave Bralich - CMGC pint glass; Ray Hanson - CMGC metal logo sign; Bill Mennell - ‘white elephant’ plexiglass sign with magnifier.

New Business
Elections - Nominations were made and accepted from the floor. Vice President - Paul Pickley; President - Melissa Gonzales; Secretary - Victor L’Heureux. No nominations for Treasurer so Jim Compton will maintain in this position. Bill Kalafut noted he will take over the Librarian duties.
CMGC Monthly Meeting - will resume in January. No meeting in December.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 7:53 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary 

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