Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2022

The Steering Column

Melissa Gonzales
Left Hand Drive
from our President

On this day, November 27th, 2016 - my family and many, many others lost a wonderful and loving man. I was very close to my dad not only did I look like my dad, but I sounded like my dad. How do I know? Well, when the phone rang and I answered it and said Hello. The person on the other end said, Oscar? I said no, this is his daughter Melissa. I do miss my dad a lot. He was fantastic repairing his MGs. I really wish he was physically here. I would be calling him to come over and help with the house, cars and whatever else he can show me. All said and done, I know my dad is there in spirit, guiding me thru life.

I remember when I was in my late teens probably about 18 and I think we were at a John Twist Party. My dadn looked me in the eyes and said honey you will be okay. I didn’t know what he meant by that at that time. I had a mediocre job and was very early in my schooling, and I was sort of lost in life at that age. My dad knew me better than I know myself. To this day I am doing better than okay. Thank you, dad, for believing in me.

What does the number six mean in spirituality, it’s an important message of unconditional love from your guardian angel, you should never forget your spirituality in pursuit of material gain. Maybe 6 for some of you means you have 6 MGs in your garage, many of you have 6-cylinder engines, most of us have 6 parts in our boot to carry when driving our MGs (i.e., Alternator, hoses, wires, fuel pump, distributor and fan belt) and most of us when traveling we really carry half a car or a credit card that has more than 6 digits in case a tow is necessary.

Either way we will be okay, by now most of us have our cars tucked away for winter, till spring. Thanksgiving is gone and we are on our way to Christmas, then New Year. And soon Spring will be here again. Know that you are loved and treasured by many – life is a gift we should never take for granted.

~~ Melissa Gonzales      


Paul Pickley The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

The absolute kindness and learning I get from this club is incredible. I attended the Cowboy’s Fall Tune Down for the first time. Since we put my MGB together it always ran a bit rough. It also seemed a bit loud. So, I pulled my MGB into the garage to see if we could figure out if the timing was off or what the deal was. After just a few minutes it was discovered I never had the exhaust bolted to the intake manifold correctly. I was missing bolts and the donuts that help seal the connection.

We got everything hooked up correctly and my engine is significantly quieter. In addition, my throttle response in third and fourth gear made a huge difference. Next time I get to go on a rally with my wife I’m sure we will be able to hold a conversation much easier.

Our club is filled with great knowledge of our cars. We currently have a great opportunity to learn more about restoring a MGB GT. We have a club car that we are restoring at Tom Raddatz Garage. Every Wednesday evening and hopefully soon some weekend days we have the opportunity to learn and build the club car. Please come out and help:

1600 W 55th St, LaGrange Highlands, IL 60525 Garage is around the side, NOT attached to the front house.

~~ Paul Pickley    

Auto Appraisal Group
On the front cover…

Happy Holidays!
This Christmas card, titled “Teddy Trouble”, is the last one in my collection by the English artist Chris Bazeley. The card was published by Oakwood Cards Ltd. in Great Britain. This is the third time I’ve used a Chris Bazeley card for the December issue of the newsletters. Electronic newsletters travel fast and it was only a day or so after the December 2021 issue of The Octagon, the newsletter of the Classis MG Club of Orlando, was published that I received an email from Chris Bazeley, the artist. Chris was very happy that his art was still enjoyed “so far from home” and about 30 years after he painted the series of Christmas cards.
You can see more of his art here:

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