Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2022

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello everyone!!!

This is my last Newer Directions article for the year – CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? We are in the month of December already – This year (like so many lately) has FLOWN BY!!!!

I actually Love December, not so much for the cold temps and getting dark so early, but for the Holidays and festivities that bring everyone together!!! I LOVE ALL THELIGHTS and THE MAGICAL SPIRIT OF THE HOLIDAYS that bring smiles and warm our hearts with being with close friends and family!

I’d like to recap on The Halloween Rally – Hosted and organized this year by Doug Clark which took place on Saturday 10/29/22. Doug did a SPECTACULAR JOB!! Thank you VERY MUCH FOR ALL THE HARD WORK AND PLANNING THAT WENT INTO MAKING THIS SO SUCCESSFUL!! The route was AWSOME!! He of course, managed to have us drive by some of the most prestigious and beautiful golf courses along the route….I noticed this because I too LOVE to golf! Nice touch Doug, being the avid golfer that you are!!!!! I personally appreciated and enjoyed that part of the scenic route!! There were a total 32 participants, 16 cars, 12 being MG Cars. There was one checkpoint stop along the route where the guys were tested on their expertise knowledge of MG parts. Doug even managed to choke most of us up at a last stop in a Pet cemetery. It was a tear jerker for sure, but a beautiful tribute to all types of beloved pets that have filled the lives of their owners with nothing but unconditional love.

The questions for the Rally were well thought out, not to challenging, but enough to make it competitive for the 1st , 2nd and 3rd place winners! Way to go MG Members for all the fantastic, one of a kind costumes! That really makes this event what it is set out to be – dressing up and driving a SPOOKY FUN ROUTE in our MGs!! There were Prizes presented to Best costumes as well. Congratulations to all the winners – they will all be announced in the article written in this months driveline along with pictures to view some really unique costumes!!!

The Fall Tune Down hosted by Dave Bralich which took place on Sunday, 11/6/22 at his house was another fun filled Success!!! There were total of 21 participants, and 12 different types of MG cars. The weather was PERFECT!! Sunny and mild!!! Perfect for the guys to gather around in the garage to work on each car that pulled up on the lift. I just get a kick out of seeing the guys hoovering under the bonnet of these MGs and tinkering around!! They are like KIDS IN A CANDY STORE!!!!! I have to personally mention the highlight of this event (at least for me) – DAVE’S FAMOUS CHILI!!!! Once again, it was DELICIOUS!!! I had 2 helpings myself!! There were also yummy brownies and treats to satisfy your sweet tooth!!! GREAT TIME DAVE!! Thank you!!


That concludes another FANTASTIC driving season for 2022! There should be information on the AMTRAK trip in January hosted by Ann & Jake Snyder in this month’s issue. I hear this is well worth signing up for.

I am getting together all the scores for this years winners for the driving Tours and Rally events!! They will once again be presented at the awards banquet which will be held sometime in February or March 2023. More details to come in next months edition.

Tim & I consider our friends in the MG club our “extended” family!! This time of year, around the Holidays always reminds us to reflect on that and how much our friends mean to us within the club! With that being said –

Have a Fabulous Christmas / Hanukkah and a safe and healthy

New Years!!!!!!

~~Jamie Schafer  

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