The MGA With An Attitude
VALANCE PANEL, Sebring Style 2 - BD-302
For those people who want to emulate a race car with no bumpers and smooth nose, this seems to be a must-have item. Most of the traditional so called Sebring valance panels will in essence closely copy the shape of the standard valance panel below the bumper, bring the recessed area originally behind the bumper flush to the front, and follow the curve of the original body nose and fenders. In short, it is a copy of the production valance with the recessed area "filled in" to be flush at the front, and the common raw fiberglass panel looks like the picture above. From there it can be carved out with clearance holes to allow passage of the original bumper support studs without cutting them off, or opening an air vent for an oil cooler below the radiator air pan, or vent vent holes for air ducts to cool the brakes. Following are a few examples of the final appearance when installed.

One of the later renditions of a factory works car EX-182

1960 MGA with Judson supercharger

No visible fasteners. Story on next page.