The MGA With An Attitude
VALANCE PANEL, Sebring Style 3 - BD-303
On September 11, 2012, Andrew Williams in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia wrote:
"I recently purchased a fibreglass Leman style valance panel for my 1960 A and looked at a few options for fitting it so that I could easily remove it and refit the standard unit without to many hastles. I ended up fabricating a laminated marine grade ply spacer and epoxied it to the rear of the fibreglass panel and further reinforced it with glass matting and resin. The unit was then attached from the rear with s/s screws through the original captive nut holes. My valance panel was purchased from MG Spare Parts and Services in Sydney and did not have a top flange moulded into it. The laminated marine ply moulding forms the flange.

"The ply spacer is laminated out of 3mm thick strips epoxied and clamped against the recess at the base of the guards and grill panel until glue has cured. The laminated piece was so strong and rigid that I could pull the thin fibreglass panel into it with clamps and epoxy adhesive and it held its shape nicely. It gives a nice clean appearance from the outside (no fasteners) and finishes of nicely with a bit of mudguard piping".

"Because there are inconsistencies with the recess from mudguard to body section the plywood was sanded with a belt sander until it was set back by the thickness of the fibreglass panel along its entire length.
When I attached the fibre glass to the timber I used epoxy resin and clamped it over night but I left the fibreglass panel sitting about a 1/4" above the plywood and belt sanded it back down to the timber with a few trial fits along the way to ensure a nice even line for the mudguard piping. In the end I stapled the piping to the plywood as it made it easier to get it straight and was one less thing to worry about when fitting the screws from the back. I initialy used stainless self tapping screws and later changed them for Nickel Plated Raised Head Countersunk Screws with cup washers, essentially a larger version of the screws used to hold the interior trim in place." -- Andrew