March 15, 2004
The meeting was called to orderat 8:05 by Bill Mennell. We had 35 members and guests present. Among the guests was Don Brubaker of the Alfa-Romeo club who came to discuss the possibility of our two clubs running some rallies and tours together. We had one new member, Bob Hamann, proud owner of a ‘71B.
Jim Evans reported on our annual swap meet which was held on 2/29/04. The good weather helped give us a good turn out. We had 77 vendors taking 103 spaces and approximately 900 shoppers. Final figures are not in, but it looks like the club made some money.
John Shroeder hosted a tech session to prepare cars for the upcoming Missouri Endurance Rally.
The Missouri Endurance Rally will be held 3/20 and 3/321. As of today, there are 17 entries for the full (24 hour) rally and 7 for the mini rally (12 hour). Five teams are from Chicago.
The Spring Tune Up Party has been rescheduled to April 25. It will be held at Quality Tire in Darien.
Our Spring Tour is April 18th. Details to come.
The Spring Chicken Rally will be held May 2nd. It will start at the I & M access in Shanahan. More details to come.
Next months club meeting will be a “Memorabilia Show.” Please bring your old models, ads etc.
Dues are past due.
A new club roster is in the works. It will be ready in about 2 months.
We had reports by Dave Lieb, librarian and Dave Ransom, regalia..
The 50/50 raffle: was won by Howard Bruning. Other prizes were a 2004 MG calendar won by Bill Mennell, a box of girl scout cookies donated by Trish Finn and won by Dave Bralich. The Tool Store in Forest View donated some additional prizes, a creeper won by Tom Sotomeyer, a punch and chisel set won by Kevin Carlson and some wire brushes won by Dave Ransom.
A discussion of events was held at the end of the meeting to see what we can do to increase participation.
Respectufully submitted, Mike Hirsch