Chicagoland MG Club

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The Steering Column
Left Hand Drive
from your President
When Deb and I were new to the CMGC the first major event that we participated in was MG 96 in Indianapolis. If you were there you will recall that it was quite a show. Everywhere you looked there were MGs. At one point we overheard a non-MGer ask what the initials M G stood for. The reply was Mostly Geezers. And in a way that is correct. The cars were built in the 50s, 60s, and the 70s; which coincidently happens to be the ages of the majority of the owners.
At the March meeting I had a chat with Don Brubaker, the president of the Alfa Club. He also expressed concern about the lack of younger people in the hobby. Our clubs are dominated by people who had (or at the time, wished that they had) European sports cars in their youth. But it seems that the youth of today prefer the 'tuner' cars with their nitrous and hot computer chips over old-fashioned, front engine, rear drive, orphan brand sports cars.
Now I really don't expect too many younger folks to sit around at a car show all day with a bunch on Mostly Geezers, but they will enjoy some of the driving events, particularly the gymkhanas. What 20 year old do you know who doesn't like to drive fast? Here's the chance for some spirited driving under controlled conditions. A chance to develop and practice driving skills that could prevent of an accident on the street. You don't know where the line is until you've crossed it. Here's a chance to cross it and only knock down a few cones. Better to learn it here than on the street.
The driving season will soon be upon us. Why not invite your son or daughter (or grandkid) to one of the driving events? Whether it's one of ours, or an invite from the Alfa, Healey, or Miata clubs, they will have a great time. Maybe in a couple of years you can ask to borrow their MG.