Spring Chicken Rally
Sunday - May 2, 2004 - 10:30 am
Rallymaster - John Schroeder
Meet at the I&M Canal access in Channahon, IL
Exit I-55 at US 6 (first exit south of I-80), go west approximately 2 miles to the Subway restaurant on the left and turn left. Go south to the brown wood sign pointing right into the I&M Canal access. We will meet in the parking lot.
$15 entry fee, Trophies, Driver & Navigator points, and MG Bucks!
Drivers meeting at 10:30 AM -- First car off at 11:00 AM
Bring a clipboard, and maybe a map?
Approximately three hours duration.
Surprise ending will be lunch at a restaurant.
John Schroeder - 630-852-1731 - johnmschroeder@comcast.net

Photos from the CMGC 2003 Spring Chicken Rally: