It's springtime and a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of.......... sports cars..........and fishing. There in lies the rub. The first competitive driving event of the year, the Spring Chicken Rallye, is scheduled on the same weekend as the opening day of fishing season in the Wisconsin Northern Zone. I may have an MG octagon on the rear window of my pickup, but those of you who have seen its license plates also know of my other favorite warm weather recreation. If the ice is out, it's time to head up north. But with the large turnout at the recent tune-up party and all the tech sessions of late, I'm sure that everyone has their cars in good working order, so there should be plenty of other participants.
As you heard at the April meeting, Bill Hedrick has been hard at work on the budget. Thanks to his efforts, we should be showing a positive balance of over $2000 for the year. We still need help with the holiday dinner party. We are looking for a private room that will seat 60-75 people with a cash bar. If you have a favorite restaurant or banquet facility in your area, please let us know. We have been south and central the past couple of years, so maybe some of you folks that live up north or to the northwest have some ideas. Now's your chance.
Also we are always looking for locations to hold gymkhanas. Perhaps your place of employment would be willing to let us use their parking lot on a Sunday morning? We do carry our own liability insurance thru NAMBGR so that should not be an issue. It could be a good chance to spread a little employee goodwill. Speaking of gymkhanas, if you are not going to be in Champagne on the 25th of May, the Healey Club has invited us to join their event in Warrenville. Here's a good opportunity to play boy racer, support one of our sister British car clubs, and maybe kick some butt while you're at it.