The Steering Column
WE NEED YOUR HELP, starting with this coming weekend September 8th. The British Car Festival starts at 9:00 and runs until 3:00 on Sunday. Our club is a major sponsor of the event and as such we have been responsible for all of the marshalling of cars from 11:00 till closing. To accomplish this and to keep everyone work level down to a minimum, we need a lot of help. We need 7 volunteers every half an hour, which adds up 56. Now, towards the end of the day not as many are needed, but you can see we need your help. If you are bringing a car or just coming to look please stop by the CMGC table and sign up for a half hour (or more).
Were else do we need help? We need more people to work on the Driveline. It takes a lot of work for one person (Barney) to put this all together. Barney has been doing a great job now for a number of months (years?) and would like a little break. Not to give up on it completely but to pass the baton on to a few willing members. Even if you do not have publishing background you can do it. The only requirements needed are to have access to a computer and an E-mail account. The computer is needed to put the driveline together for the publisher and E-mail to receive articles from the likes of myself. If you want, we need hands to label and stamp the Driveline and then drop it into the mail.
I am not done yet. Additional help is also needed to help maintain the web page. Again Barney is doing 98% of the work, with David Lieb working the classified sections. If you have the desire (know how will be passed on) to help in this area please contact Barney directly.
Still not done. It is getting to that time of year again “ELECTIONS”. If you would like to run for any of the offices please come to the September monthly club meeting and let the board know. Nominations are open at the October Club meeting and closed at the November meeting. There are so many reasons to be active in the club but one of the best is that you get to know many great people and have fun along the way. Please give a serious thought to running for one of the four elected officials.
OK, Now I am done.
Until next month (or driving event) "Safety Fast" to all of you.
Dave (Cowboy) Bralich