Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline March 2019
Special Article

Tales of the Mongrel
by Ralph Arata

That Funny Thing that Happened to Me One Night in Pittsburgh (with the "B")

This particular "Mongrel" is a bit different from my fantasies and tales of Tennessee. This has to do with what I consider the most special night of my life!

The weekend evening started out as most others. It was a Saturday. My company moved me a lot and I ended up in Pittsburgh for a time. No office, knew no one, just there. No guys to have a beer with after work or play handball with. Just me. However, I had grown used to this situation i.e. being by myself in a new place. OK, my modus operandi as a young single guy was to find out the best place to meet girls. To go there and find a date! After all, what is a single guy gonna do?

It took only a little effort to find a place called Holiday Inn - Greentree which was just off RT 279 before the Liberty Tunnel to downtown Pittsburgh. Big bar and dance area and a lot of people. Great place to meet girls. I danced, talked and ha d a couple glasses of wine. It was getting late...after midnight. The bar was circular and as I sipped my wine I saw a young girl across from me talking to some guy and looking very bored. The number of undrunk cocktails in front of her told me a few folks had tried.

Susan in 1984 at Hartwood Acres
(Pittsburgh) Brit Car Show

Susan "the Nanny" with her 1972 Buick Skylark in 1980
Caught some eye-contact and her eyes went up to the ceiling almost as if she was asking for relief from her current situation. I was feeling my libations so I though "what the heck". I wrote a note on a napkin, balled it up and threw it over the bar at her (am I a smooth operator or what *&^%$#@). Acknowledgment! I almost ran over to her wedging myself between that guy and her (boy, that was ballsy). Red hair, hazel eyes and an English accent to boot. WOW!!

We talked for perhaps 30 mins or so and then last call was made. I told her that I had MGs since I was 16 and really loved the English roadster. She wanted to see. I drove her to her car in my B (with phone number in hand) and the rest is history.

Susan & me at British Car Festival in Palatine, Illinois
34 years of marriage later Susan still says she gave me her number because I drove an MGB. I would love to think it was my cheery disposition and all American smile but hey....whose complainin' !

~~ Ralph Arata

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