Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2019

The Steering Column

Dean Hickenlooper
Left Hand Drive
from our President

With the driving season well underway I hope you’ve had the chance to get your MGs out on the road. If not and you’re in need of assistance don’t hesitate to call on The Traveling Mechanics to stop by, eat your donuts take something apart and then leave. Just kidding but we’ll come by and give it our best shot at getting you back on the road.

Speaking of projects, the club’s MGA project has begun. Several members came by and got a good jump on it. Starting on the engine things looked promising until we discovered bad ignition parts. Wires and distributor cap. It’s hard to start without a spark. Next, we moved onto the brakes and rear axle seals with a member taking the gas tank for a freshen up. The front brakes went smooth with new cylinders, shoes and springs. The rear brakes were a different story with the axle seals needing to be repaired first. A very large axle nut ?? stopped us in our tracks as no one had the right size. I think the club tool crib might just have the socket we are in need of though. Hopefully on our next attempt we will have the “A” running and stopping. Thanks to All the club members who were Willing to come out and lend a hand.

Presently the First Lady and I are in Traverse City, Michigan attending the 2019 NAMGBR convention and its Awesome. MGs everywhere! Great people, Great Cars and Food. What more could you ask for? Heading out this morning to check out one of the several Lighthouses. Looks like we be running into a little rain ? but we’re not about to let that dampen our spirits. I’ll be going to John Twist’s rolling tech season this afternoon. I did have the pleasure of seeing him last night what a remarkable person. Later this afternoon I’ll be attending Pete Mandel’s V8 conversion tech season. Go figure. Even though my “B” V8 project is done it will be interesting to see what I might do different on the next one! WHAT.... we’ll you never know.

Heading home Thursday and getting ready for the Land end rally.

That’s a rap!

~~ Dean Hickenlooper
your humble servant


Phil Wydra The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

Tales of the Kilt

Every year Sandy and I look forward to the Scottish Highland Games. This year was no exception.

My car was cleaned, waxed and polished. It was vacuumed, dusted, sanitized and deodorized. No corners cut. No detail left undone. She was prepped better than a mail order bride.

Then comes the big day. Say goodbye to the out-of-town house guests. After catering to them for three days, this morning they are on their own. No hot breakfast today. Today they get cornflakes and muffins. Today is the Highland Games.

So off we go. The sky is questionable so my trusty navigator is on the constant lookout for a rogue downpour. As luck would have it, Sandy’s alertness soon paid off. In the distance and fast approaching was a cloudburst with our name on it. A quick pull over onto the shoulder of I-290 allowed the assembly of the hood just as the rain reached us. We were protected to some degree. Some! Sandy always wanted a fountain for the yard. She loves the sound and tranquility of running water gently cascading down an incline. Well on this day she partially got her wish. The water was cascading. But there was no tranquility, unless you consider fresh towels under your feet tranquil.

However, as we continued our journey we found that it only rained on our parade. The Highland Games grounds were dry and all of the other cars were on display with their hoods down and their bonnets up. Only we appeared to be wet and disheveled. All of the cleaning and hard work for naught.

Morale of the story: leave the mail order brides to the Russians and just enjoy the ride.

~~ Phil Wydra

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