Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2022

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
January ,17, 2022

21 Members

CMGC President Phil Wydra opened the ZOOM meeting at 7:03 pm.

Meeting Minutes - No meeting in December. November meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Car projects
Dean Hickenlooper - noted that the MGA that he had been refurbishing for the past year is now complete and ready for Kerrie to drive. Not wanting to lose momentum, Dean has obtained an additional MGA (a 1600 series, not sure what year) to work on. This car is without an engine, but he is planning to install an MGB 1800cc engine.
Barney Gaylord - During his travels, the passenger side-curtain blew out. This issue was fixed by fabricating a new side curtain from plexiglass purchased at a Home Depot and fabricated at an MG meeting place in Florida. In addition, his trailer required new fenders after experiencing many hardships

Staff Reports
Treasurer's report - Treasurer Jim Compton submitted the following via email: as of 01/17/2022 - $6,350 checking, $25,260 savings, Total $31,610.
Librarian - nothing new to report
Membership - One new member joined in early November. The current membership in good standing is 224.

Driving Events
Jamie reported the Driving Events Calendar is in the preliminary organization stage. Event dates are being firmed up and working on obtaining additional events for the calendar year. Members discussed the driving distances for various types of events - day trips vs overnight events.

Old Business.
Website Committee - Paul Pickley reported the website is making substantial progress in developing the ‘look & feel’ of the club website. A preliminary ‘walk-thru’ was given to CMGC staff earlier this month. A few more refinements are needed before deployment. A member’s presentation is planned for the Award Banquet.


Swap Meet - Jim Evans reported that an email was sent to about 100 vendors asking whether they would attend a Swap Meet this year. About 50% responded with half of those at "yes" and a quarter at "no"...and another quarter "uncertain". So, with this information, our initial mailing to vendors was triggered and we are awaiting return registrations. This event is on the books March 27th at the DuPage Fairgrounds in Wheaton, IL.
Awards Banquet - Committee of Jamie Schafer, Kerry Hickenlooper and Doug Clark have identified a location and date for the Awards Banquet - Moretti's Ristorante & Pizzeria in Mount Prospect, on April 9th. It would be an Italian buffet with cash bar. Good location and parking. The cost is estimated to be $35 per person.
Project Cars progress - The 1977 MGB is now ready for sale. A potential buyer will be viewing the car on Wednesday, January 19th. Decision on what to do with the rusted MGB-GT is still undecided.

New Business
Election Results - Dave Bralich noted that the ballots have been counted and the following positions have been filled: They are: President -- Melissa Gonzales; Vice President -- Paul Pickley; Secretary - Victor L’Heureux. No nominations for Treasurer so Jim Compton will maintain in this position. Bill Kalafut noted he will take over the Librarian duties.
Treasurer replacement - Jim Compton is requiring assistance in maintaining the club treasury during peak times. Club member Diane Gonzales has indicated she may be able to help.
eMail Blast! Editor - Dave Novak is looking for a replacement for this position. Dave has all the materials needed to pass on to the perspective replacement.
February club meeting - Discussion as to whether to continue the ZOOM meeting in February or to have a in-person venue. A voice count was taken by the attending membership and the decision was to have an in-person meeting in February.
Meeting Venue - Although the membership is satisfied with the current venue - Mr. Beef and Pizza>/i> in Mt. Prospect - the meeting area is small. The staff is asking for any input locating a new venue for the meeting with a larger facility.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary 

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