Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline March 2022
(Continued from page 4)

2021 Treasurer Report – Jim Compton
The club is in good financial shape. Ending total income was $8,563.81 with expenses of $6,190.99 giving a net income of $2,372.82.

Treasurer’s Notes – Jim Compton
Dues - This shows total dues collected in 2021. Most 2021 dues were collected in 2021. Some were paid in 2020 and some 2022 dues have already been received. This is down slightly with pre-pandemic years.
Regalia & 50/50 Raffle - Regalia and the raffle have been severely impacted due to lack of meetings and events. This continued in 2021
Swap Meet - No Swap meet in 2021 due to COVID lock down.
Donations - The club received $250.00 in donations to help members with their dues due to the pandemic.

Driveline - Driveline revenue in 2021 $1,880.00; Driveline Expenses is up to $2,810.40, for a loss of $930.40. This included a one-time charge for data recovery when the Driveline computer failed.
Club Operating Expenses - The club operating expenses were significantly reduced in 2021. In 2020 the expenses were $4,704.10, conversely, in 2021they were reduced to $2,816.35.

2021 was another challenging year for the CMGC. We had many meetings via Zoom. With no Swap meet we didn’t have either the income or expenses related to the swap meet. With no Holiday party the CMGC had no expenses related to the Holiday party. 2020 was also the year when multiple renewals happened for the web site and domains. These are renewed for multiple years. So, no Web expenses in 2021 Driveline lost significant ad revenue in 2021. Also, the computer used to prepare the driveline and other club functions failed. The result is the Driveline cost $930.40. I feel this was in large part due to Covid and the computer failure and recommend club officers continue to monitor these costs but to hold the membership dues at the current level. The Club ended 2021 with a net gain of $2,372.82 to the coffers. This is in line with revenue gains in pre-pandemic years.

Meeting break and 50/50 raffle—Dave Bralich won todays pot of $49 plus November’s rollover of $24 to total $73.

Phil announced the meeting readjourned and announced handing over the club leadership to President-elect Malissa Gonzales.

Car Projects
Kevin Carlson—Working on removing left front fender wing. Project entailed in removing the windscreen assembly making it a little more difficult than originally planned.
Tim Schafer—progressing slowly on the 79 MG Midget. Engine is now reinstalled.
Tom Raddatz—Modified MGB-V6 fabrication is coming along well. Still working on welding projects with the help of Dean Hickenlooper.
Bill Hedrick—working on installing a V6 into a MGB-GT.
Dave Ransom —Assembly continues on the 1969 Austin-Healey Sprite.

New Business
Additional new staff members were introduced: Vice President – Paul Pickley; Bill Kalafut will take over the Librarian duties.

With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary

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