Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline October 2021

The Steering Column

Phil Wydra
Left Hand Drive
from our President

Happy Anniversary

October marks the 46th anniversary of the Chicagoland MG Club. I think it’s wonderful that there are a few founding members still active in the club. All of the original members deserve a great deal of respect and gratitude for the hard work and dedication that they have provided over the years. So please come out and celebrate 46 great years with cake and a sparkling beverage (non-alcoholic per the venue’s license) at our next general membership meeting on October 18th. Meeting starts at 7:00 at Mr. Beef and Pizza, 1796 Elmhurst Road, Mt. Prospect.

As October arrives, it is also time to think about electing the officers of the CMGC board of directors. The four positions up for election are President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominations for these positions will be accepted at the October meeting. Nominations will close during the November meeting. Please consider a member that you believe would serve the club’s needs, purpose and spirit for one of these positions. Of course it helps if that person agrees to be nominated. Hey, you can even nominate yourself.

Also, October marks the beginning of the end to our driving season. Don’t despair. There are still a few driving events left on the calendar. Plus, October and early November have plenty of nice days to just start up your MG and see where the road takes you. Depending on where you live, you can head for the lakefront or maybe a state park. Maybe, just a short drive to visit your aunt Martha. The important thing is to enjoy the road.

Stay safe my friends

~~ Phil Wydra      


Melissa Gonzales The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  
Food for Thought

It is my hope that we can pass on the value and love of being a MG owner and being part of the MG community. So, we must be enthusiastic about owning, maintaining and driving our MGs with the hope that we can pass this desire and experience on to the next generation.

The MGs that we drive today you would think they are cars from the past – they are not – they are part of us today. The MG is simple, practical and at times reliable.

As with anything we treasure – like our children – we must take care of them and be prepared to fix anything that “breaks down” in order to keep them safe, healthy and an active part of our life.

There are certain simplistic things we can do to take care of our MGs – such as checking fluids monitoring hose cracks, tire and oil pressure and keeping an eye out for much more. Keeping your heart and eye fixed on your MG can be enhanced by looking for directions - there are all kinds of tutorials on YouTube and Google and our own Facebook page.

You can view us on Facebook (Chicagoland MG Club). Or better yet, you can join the Chicagoland MG Club for access to the website, members, maintenance tips, social events and trips and current events plus much more such as buy or sell an MG. This is a great place to get ideas and suggestions related to keeping your MG healthy.


~~ Melissa Gonzales    

Welcome New Members!

The officers and members of the Chicagoland MG Club extend a cordial “MG Welcome” to the new members who have joined our club in recent months. We wish you “Safety Fast” and hope you will avail yourself of as many club activities as you can.

Joh & Joyce Maldonado   North Plano IL   1976 maroon MGB, 1970 blue MGB
Mark A Della Valle   Winnetka IL MGB-GT
Dennis 'DJ' Neary Freeport IL 1973 red MGB
Rich Meliskas Evanston IL 1973 orange MGB

Note: To any member whose name does not appear above, your application may have missed our deadline.
If you don’t see your name next month, call our Membership Chair, Victor L’Heureux at (847) 533-3912 to verify

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