The Chicagoland MG Club Library
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Lending policy:
Library items are for lending to club members only. Books and videos may be picked up and returned at any monthly membership meeting. Items are to be signed out by library card with your name, date, phone number, and e-mail address (if you have one). Items are to be returned in a responsible timely period. To make other arrangenents for pickup and return, contact the librarian. Please e-mail the CMGC Librarian or phone and leave a message if you would like to reserve a book or video or are interested in more information.
Club archive materials are currently held by the Librarian. This includes back issues of the printed club newsletters and other momentos of historical significance to the club. These items will only be signed out with special arrangements. We hope to have an index list of the club archives shortly to be posted here when available. Back issues of club newsletters may be viewed on line in the Newsletter Archives.