12th Champagne British Car Festival
May 23-25, 2003 - Champaign, Illinois
Featured Marque for the weekend is
the “Chrome Bumpered MGB”
The theme for this years show is "The Beatles Era". So, start thinking about costumes and accessories based on the Hippy Sixties theme. The Friday night dinner will have an “Aston & Martin Laugh-In” theme. Saturday cruise to a picnic lunch at Homer Lake. Saturday night block party and street dance with several bands. Sunday morning Dawn Patrol, followed by breakfast, followed by the participant’s choice car show.
Show headquarteres will be the same location as years past, the Historic Lincoln Hotel (formerly known as Jumers) in Urbana Illinois. (217) 384-8800 Confirmation #237151 - Use this number when making reservations - Room rates starting at $55 for a double bed.
Mark Joslyn - (217) 359-6792 - british_marque@msn.com