Classified Information
Barney threatened me that if I didn’t write this blurb, he would “accidentally print something brash.” Given his track record for that very thing, here goes my self-defense. Yes, I volunteered to take over the classified ads that George Goeppner has been running so well for the last four years. I have been having so much fun with the club rallies and tech sessions that I wanted to do something to give a little back to the club. I have a voice-mail box set up for it at (847) 588-8090 and ads can also be emailed to me at:
Preference and priority will continue to be given to ads submitted by club members, but additional ads will also be run to fill the allotted space in the Driveline. Since the web page has more available space and a potentially larger audience, ads that do not fit in the printed Driveline will show up there along with ads that are from outside our normal geographical area. Barney assures me that he will be happy to link pictures to the web ads as well, so please feel free to submit those as well, preferably as files rather than hard copy. If there is anything else that you think I should be doing, please contact me via the above phone number or email and I will implement the ideas that I like and continue to cheerfully ignore the rest.
David Lieb