Donald M. Healey Rally
Saturday, September 08, 2001
In conjunction with the British Car Union
2001 British Car Festival!
To commemorate the 103th birthday of Donald Healey, the Austin-Healey Club of America, Midwest Region, is proud to sponsor the D.M. Healey Centenary Rally.
Open to all British Cars & British Car Clubs!
Other cars/enthusiasts at the Rally Master’s discretion!
This event has been previously announced as starting in Schaumburg and ending at the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant in Palatine. However, current rumor has it possibly starting somewhere farther south and possibly ending at the White Fence Farms Restaurant in Bolingbrook.
Bill Cantrall - 630 969-4374
(work—ask for Bill or leave message)
for more information.
Please let us know in advance if you plan on rallying!
More information as it becomes available.