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Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline
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  Chicagoland MG Club:Driveline
Left hand drive The Steering Column
From your Co-chairmen
Russ Mehaffey
Russ Meyhaffey's
Right Hand Drive

By the time this issue is published I will have pulled my engine and gearbox (with the help of many friends, hopefully) and we’ll be well on the way to a less-leaky MG. Is that possible? I’m sorry to have missed Dean Swanson’s Tour, but I’m sure a great time was had by all. Although the car is road-worthy, we haven’t been out much due to a very busy month outside of MG’ing.
Not the least of which, I will be starting a new job August 1st, after spending the last 14 or so months “working for myself”. The car-related good news is that there may be a better budget established to achieve that beautiful paint job. The downside is less daytime driving opportunities. This past year I’d ask my boss (i.e. Me): Nice afternoon, want to go for a drive? Invariably, the answer was always: Hell, yeah! Of course since this was always during normal business hours and certainly business was being conducted, I’m sure there is some tax deductible opportunity there somewhere. I mean even Monkey-business is still “business” anyway, right? (Side note to Mr. IRS – I am just kidding, sir. I know I can’t deduct miles since I already claim my car as a dependent. Another joke, OK?! ... I am the car’s co-dependent.)
My son and I are still recollecting many memories of the Gatlinburg trip. We have received the photos ordered from the Tail of the Dragon run. For those of you that ran the Tail, I suggest looking up your picture on the websites. If you’re tempted to order a print, I assure you the actual print is much better than the small thumbnail on the webpage. I showed great restraint by only ordering 10” x 15” glossies versus the giant poster size! I’ll likely spend more on the frames than the prints themselves. That’s all right, I’ll take it as a deduction for payroll benefits.
So, the plan is to be back on the road in time for the Secrets of Jo Daviess Tour. We’ll all know that at the next Club meeting!

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