CMGC Holiday Party
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Elmcrest Banquets
7370 w. Grand Ave. Elmwood park IL 60707
Click for map
Same place as last year, different date and slightly different price. Cost is $26.00 per person, and the club will pick up the balance same as last year. The menu will be similar to last year (but subject to change). Look for reservation form and additional information next month.
Special Announcement:
We have just learned that this year’s Christmas Party will mark the long awaited return of the “Abingdon Players” to a club social event. For many years, the “Abingdon Players” were a Chicagoland MG Club tradition at our annual meeting or Christmas party. The “Players” were (and still are) a self appointed group of club members who take a lighter look at MG ownership, club business, and the like through theatrical skits along with the accompaniment of the” Singing Magnettes”, a female dominated choral group known more for their mismatched red sweaters than their vocal skills. The “Abingdon Players” have been absent from the CMCG scene for some years now, possibly due to either issues of conscience, an undisclosed plea bargain, a belated recognition of good taste, or perhaps some combination of all three. In any event, the die is cast and club members who attend this year’s Christmas Party will witness the “Abingdon Players” in action for the first time in many years.