In an amazing deal involving absolutely no stocks, monetary compensations, pension funds or players to be named later, Don Anderson has become the Driving Events Coordinator and I have assumed the duties of Librarian.
I intend to enjoy the role of librarian. If nothing else, I will certainly have a lot of good books to read! I have already had the fun of re-creating the library’s web presence; check it out at
At the February meeting, I noticed that most of the books that were returned went right back out the door with someone else; several of them without even coming to me in between. I guess this means that most of the books in the library have already been read by most of the people who come to the meetings. This in turn implies a need for more new resources. If you come across something that we should have in our library, let me know. We do acquire new titles periodically. We also accept donations. Also, if you own something that you would like to loan to the library, I will be happy to oblige.
Howard and Terry did a darn good job of writing up descriptions of the books and videos, but I would like some more reviews. Check out a book, a videos and write a blurb. I will post reviews on the page for that volume and try to use them to keep from having to write articles for The Driveline, too.
David Lieb -