AHCA Gymkhana - May 25, 2003
at AMC Cantera 30 theater - Warrenville, IL
Large intimidating pylons demand a certain respect from small cars. But then the more competitive among us understand that pylons were designed to be run over by automobiles.
At the open invitation of the Austin Healey Club, Chicago Region, twenty-five drivers, including a dozen CMGC members with MGs, took advantage of the space at the Warrenville Cantera theater complex to lay down some tire marks and squash a few cones while trying the beat the clock. There were big Healeys and Sprites, MGBs, MGAs, Midgets, and a pair of Lotus 7. One new Mini came to visit, but not to play. Better than good, a great time was had by all. Most of the gang finally retired to the Red Robin for natter ‘n’ noggin while scores were totaled and awards were presented. Final official tallies were not available in time for printing here, but you might find them at the AHCA web site here:
More photos and notes at www/chicagolandmgclub.com/photos/ah03