M.G. car Club de Mexico
José Luis Garcia Veliz - President
Miguel Angel Perez Días - Secretary
The M.G. car Club de Mexico has its monthly meeting every first thursday of the month, 8:30 pm at the restaurant "Arrebato" Patricio Sanz 643 Col. del Valle, Mexico City. We also have our traditional breakfast, with Classic cars, once a month, every last sunday of the month at the "Campo Marte" restaurant, Av, Reforma, next to the national Auditorium.
In Mexico there are much less MG or Brittish cars than in US. - As such we home besides the MG, also Moris Minor, Sunbeam, Standard Triumph, Morgan, Austin. Other Brittish car clubs in Mexico, are the Austin Healey Club, which is presided by my friend Daniel Gurria, and the Club Mini Associates, presided by Xavier Gonzalez. There also is the Club Jaguar. presided by Antonio Mijares, I don´t have his e-mail, but can give you the one of the former president, Dr Ariel Zagorin who will gladly provide you with further information of their Club.
Click for larger pictures.
For all contacs with the Club you should now refer to our new Officers:
José Luis Garcia Veliz - President
Direcciones de correo electrónico: garva1209@cablevision.net.mx
Información personal: - Teléfono: 55627417
Información del trabajo: - Teléfono: 55654888 - Fax: 55627417
Perez Diaz, MIguel Angel - Secretary
Direcciones de correo electrónico: mapd58@terra.com.mx - miguel.perez@mexicana.com.mx